Zientzia Astea

BCMaterials will participate in the Science Week (Zientzia Astea), witch is an event organizated by the Basque Country University (UPV/EHU) in order to promote science between people of all ages. BCMaterials will organize seven diferent activities:
  • Magnetism and Curie Temperature.
  • Music driven ferrofluid
  • Shape Memory Materials
  • Drawing with Ligth: photolithography
  • Polymer with electric properties printing
  • Color change with gold nanoparticles
  • Color change by external physico-chemical stimulus
For further inform

BCMaterials invited talk: Victor L’vov

Victor L’vov, from National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine will give a talk in the Science and Technology Faculty of the Leioa Campus, in the Seminar room of the Electricity and Electronics departament. Prof. Victor L'vov graduated Kharkov State University in theoretical nuclear physics in 1978. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences since 1995. Holds a permanent position at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
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