Materialen, Aplikazioen eta Nanoestrukturen Euskal Zentroa gara
Material berriekin lan egiten dugu bizitza hobea lortzeko denontzat!
Materialen, Aplikazioen eta Nanoegituren Euskal Zentroa
BCMaterials, Materialen, Aplikazioen eta Nanoegituren Euskal Zentroa, Ikerbasquek (zientziarako euskal fundazioa), eta Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak (UPV/EHU) 2012ko ekainean sortutako zentro bat da. BCMaterials BERC´s-en (Basque Excellence Research Centers) sarean barne dago.
Gure argitalpenak H Index-ean 78 puntuetara iritsi ziren. Argitalpenen %84a Q1 izan zen.
90 ikertzaile propio gehi 26 ikertzaile asoziatu.
Lehiako finantzaketaren %99.
Strategic areas
The strategic areas are designed to benefit from the knowledge generated in advanced materials and apply it to respond to the most important challenges of modern society. From environmental remediation, monitoring and prevention, energy generation and storage, biomedicine and biotechnology, as well as providing the advanced materials necessary for digitalization and industry 4.0 strategies EU
Environmental prevention, remediation and monitoring
Solutions based on materials for sensing (heavy metals, volatile organic compounds) and remediation strategies for water and air, materials compatible with sustainability and circular economy…
Energy generation and storage
Researching on new materials for solar energy and energy harvesting systems, active materials for Li and Na-batteries, printable batteries, hydrogen generation and storage…
Digitalization and emerging technologies
We develop smart and functional materials with improved integration through advanced manufacturing processes, materials for sensors and actuators used for smart cities and interiors, industry 4.0 and wearables…
Biomedicine and biotechnology
We focus, among others, on the development of nanoparticle based solutions for biomedicine, active scaffolds and microenvironments for tissue enginereering, including organ-on-a-chip approaches.
Research lines
Research lines are designed to generate knowledge in the new generation of smart, active and multifunctional materials, to achieve excellence in the next generation of materials, to discover materials and effects and to transfer this knowledge to society. Within the research áreas, one or more of theses research lines work together in order to give answer to specific technological and society challenges. In addition, the transversal research lines are designed as activities supporting the actions of research lines and areas through specialist in highly needed tools and activity of advanced materials science. EU
Ikasleentzako prestakuntza aukerak
Unibertsitateko praktiketako programak, gradu amaierako proiektuak, master amaierako lanak, doktorego programa...
Azken albisteak
Natalia Río López, BCMaterialsen doktore berria
Zorionak eman nahi dizkiogu Natalia Río López-i, BCMaterials-eko doktoratu aurreko ikertzaileari, Abenduaren 17an doktore berria bihurtu zelako. Nataliak bere tesiaren defentsa bikaina egin zuen. "…Ricardo Pereira, Juan de la Cierva doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile berria
Atsegin handiz egiten diogu ongietorria Ricardo Brito Pereirari, gure zentroan doktoratu ondoko Juan de la Cierva ikertzaile berri gisa. Ricardo Mikro eta Nanogailuen ikerketa-lerroan arituko da, eta…Nerea Lopategui, praktiketako ikerketako laguntzaile tekniko berria
BCMaterialsek ongi etorria eman nahi dio Nerea Lopateguiri, praktiketan arituko dena ikerketako laguntzaile tekniko berri gisa. Gure instalazioetan gero eta laborategi-jarduera handiagoari zerbitzua…Clara Rojas, doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile berria BCMaterials-en
Pozik gaude Clara Rojas García gure zentroko doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile berri gisa heldu izana. Dra Rojasek BCMaterialsekin bat egiten du Materialen eta Azalera Funtzional Aurreratuen ikerketa-…