
  • BCMaterials at ICFSMA’19


    Our @MSCActions fellow Jose M. Porro has given an invited talk on neutron scattering in high temperature ferromagnetic shape memory alloys at the ICFSMA’19 ( ) conference in Prague, Czech…
  • New cover on ChemSusChem


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, "Appraisement of Crystal Expansion in CH3NH3PbI3 on Doping: Improved Photovoltaic Properties", was selected as journal cover in ChemSusChem, Volume 12…
  • BCMaterials at The International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism


    Virginia Vadillo, Pre-Doctoral Researcher of BCMaterials, has attended the ICFPM giving a talk with the title "Synthesis and characterization of FeCo high magnetization nanoparticles obtained by…
  • BCMaterials en un seminario de AMTC


    Dr. Roberto Fernández de Luis, investigador de BCMaterials, ha dado una charla en el ciclo de seminarios que el AMTC ofrece quincenalmente en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la…
  • New cover on The Journal of Physical Chemistry C


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, "Ionic Liquid Cation Size-Dependent Electromechanical Response of Ionic Liquid/Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-Based Soft Actuators", was selected as journal…
  • BCMaterials at MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit 2019


    Manuel Salado, PhD of BCMaterials, has attended the MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit 2019 giving a talk with the title "Surface passivation of perovskite layers using heterocyclic halides: Improved…
  • Cover on Journal of Applied Polymer Science


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues: “Hydrolysis of poly(l‐lactide)/ZnO nanocomposites with antimicrobial activity” was selected as Journal Cover in the journal Applied Polymer Science (…
  • BCMaterials granted with an UNESCO-project 


    BCMaterials, jointly with an international consortium leaded by the University of Chile, have been granted with a UNESCO-project within the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP 682: Mine Tailing…
  • BCMaterials en Radio Euskadi!


    BCMaterials en Radio Euskadi!. Senentxu Lanceros ha estado hablando sobre nosotros y nuestro desarrollo de materiales para una vida mejor. No os lo perdáis!✌️ UPV/EHU Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation…
  • BCMaterials member of MATERPLAT


    We are members of the Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials Spanish Technological Platform (MATERPLAT). The main objective is to foster and promote innovation in the Advanced Materials and…
  • Journal Cover on Advanced Sustainable Systems


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues: “Bombyx mori Silkworm Cocoon Separators for Lithium‐Ion Batteries with Superior Safety and Sustainability” was selected as Journal Cover in the journal…
  • New Materials for a Better Life! 2018


    Desde el centro de investigación BCMaterials es un placer invitarles a la séptima edición del workshop: “New Materials for a Better Life: Porous Structures as Key Enabling Materials for Advanced…
  • Senentxu Lanceros talk NAUKAS PRO Bilbao 2018


      If you were not able to attend to Senentxu Lanceros´ talk at, now you have the opportunity of watching it! You will discover the unlimited possibilities of BCMaterials. We are…
  • BCMaterials @ Facebook


    We’ve just launched our new page at Facebook, be sure to visit us!  
  • BCMaterials at NAUKAS PRO Bilbao 2018


    The BCMaterials presented yesterday at the Naukas Pro event. Amazing presentation on the relevance of Smart and multifunctional materials on the evolution of technology and the essential contribution…
  • Zientziaz Blai: visita de alumnos de 4º ESO del IES Bertendona


    El pasado jueves 14 de junio, alumnos de 4° de la ESO de diversificación curricular del IES Bertendona han visitado las instalaciones de BCMaterials. Esta actividad se enmarca dentro del proyecto de…
  • Start of BCMaterials Summer Internships 2018


    BCMaterials welcomes the new students within the Summer Internships Program 2018. They will spend two months with us doing research on innovative and smart materials. Thanks for working with us and…
  • BCMaterials at BIEMH


    From May 28th to June 1st, the 30th edition of Bienal Española de Máquina Herramienta (BIEMH) exhibition took place at the Bilbao Exibition Center (BEC). Thanks to GAIKER-IK4, to whom we show our…