BCMaterials invited talk: Qi Zhang
Nanomaterials/ferroelectric thin films and their applications
Qi Zhang
Cranfield University
Nanomaterials exhibit novel characteristics compared to the bulk materials, such as increased strength, specific surface area, chemical reactivity or conductivity. Many nanostructured materials, such as, nanoparticles, core-shell, nanowires, etc. are reported for the applications in inkjet printing, conductive transparent films and batteries, etc. Ferroelectric thin films of metal oxide perovskites deposited by a sol-gel process and their giant electrocaloric effects (EC) are also reported. With the discovery of giant EC in ferroelectric thin films some, the studies have proposed different approaches to achieve giant EC in different compositions or forms of ceramics. As a result, it becomes critically important to design giant EC materials through their microstructures, composition, and phases etc. The EC applications are considered as a new emerging solid-state refrigeration technique that can be used to develop the next-generation cooling/heating pump devices by downscaling from the macroscale to the micro or nanoscale.Qi Zhang Cranfield University |
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