BCMaterials invited talk: Victor L’vov
Victor L’vov, from National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine will give a talk in the Science and Technology Faculty of the Leioa Campus, in the Seminar room of the Electricity and Electronics departament.
Prof. Victor L'vov graduated Kharkov State University in theoretical nuclear physics in 1978.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences since 1995. Holds a permanent position at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Has 35 years of experience in the research fields of physical properties of the shape memory alloys and theory of magnetically ordered materials. Author of 100 articles and two monographs. Awarded by Kurdyumov price in physics off shape memory alloys from National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
During many years gives lectures on algebra, mathematical analysis and ordinary differential equations for the students specializing in physics and engineering. Formerly gave lectures on the physics of magnetic phenomena, statistical mechanics and semiconductor physics.
Has long-term collaboration with Aalto University (Finland), University of Balearic Islands and University of Basque country.
"Metamagnetic behaviour of shape memory alloys: main physical features and problems"
The problem of interrelation between the transformational properties of crystal lattice and magnetic subsystem of the shape memory alloys exhibiting the coupled magnetostructural phase transformations is considered. The unresolved problem concerning the magnetic field influence on the magnetostructural phase transitions in the shape memory alloys is formulated. The physical mechanisms of main effects experimentally observed in these shape memory alloys are discussed. A simple macroscopic theory describing these effects is formulated.
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