Proteins as inspiration for smart materials by Ivan Coluzza

We are pleased to announce the invited talk given by Ivan Coluzza, director of the Computational Biophysics lab at CIC biomaGUNE, entitled “Proteins as inspiration for smart materials”.
“Today the computer is just as important a tool for chemists as the test tube. Simulations are so realistic that they predict the outcome of traditional experiments” Motivation for the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2013. In this talk I will show how using computer simulations we developed a deep understanding of proteins to bridge soft-matter and complex biological systems. We took inspiration from natural protein properties such as: charge distribution, directional interactions and chaperonin action to design and produce new devices and materials with unprecedented properties.
The talk will be on November 17th at 11:00.
The event is free and open for everybody, it will be at the Martina Casiano Auditorium and also online via TEAMS with the following link:
Do not miss it!

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