R&D Project Management: Discovering the “Architect”
R&D Project Management: Discovering the “Architect”
As in the famous Matrix movie the Architect created the reality in where humans live imposing rules but giving them the power to choose, even if the person was only aware of the choice on a vague, subconscious level. We can extrapolate this metaphor to the Project Management world taking the project framework as the new Matrix. I will present all the different Matrix in where you will be allowed to create your own reality….MINECO, H2020…but always following the rules. I will explain the day a day of an “Architect” and I will give some tips that will help you to have a better understanding about the rules and laws that govern the Matrix. “I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it”. Morpheus
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