BCMaterials at the TMS2018
BCMaterials, as co-organizer institution of the “Workshop on the Design of Novel Magnetic Materials by Modelling and Advanced Synthesis and Characterization” performed in the frame of the TMS2018 147th Annual Meeting & Exhibition at Phoenix, AZ, would like to thank to the attendees and distinguished speakers around the world for the active participation in the successful Professional Development Event last Sunday 11th.
BCMaterials at the I Escuela Nacional de Magnetismo (CALI SCHOOL MAGNETISM, 2018)
El magnetismo en la vida cotidiana: Mitos y realidades
Tras una breve historia del magnetismo desde la antigua Grecia hasta bien entrado el siglo XX, se describen algunos temas en que se ha trabajado recientemente en el Grupo de Magnetismo y Materiales Magnéticos y en el Centro Vasco de Materiales (BCMaterials): imanes permanentes , sensores basados en la resonancia magnetoelástica, levitación magnética y aplicaciones en Biomedicina. En el campo del magnetismo para la medicina hay muchos mitos ya desde el siglo XVIII con Antón Mesmer.
The new director welcomes you to the BCMaterials
BCMaterials new Scientific Director
BCMaterials paper on the cover page of Sustainable Energy Fuels
The paper is named “Cu(II) and Zn(II) based phthalocyanines as hole selective layers for perovskite solar cells” written by Shahzada Ahmad and colleagues is the cover page of the December edition of “Sustainable Energy Fuels”.
BCMaterials member accepted at the Young Academy of Europe
6º Edición del workshop "New Materials for a Better Life"
El pasado 27 de octubre se celebró la sexta edición del workshop anual de BCMaterials, "New Materials for a Better Life", en este edición con la colaboración de ESSBilbao.
Shahzada Ahmad joins BCMaterials
Shahzada Ahmad received an ERC Consolidator grant for his contributions in the field of Molecularly Engineered Materials and Processing for Perovskite solar cell technology (MOLEMAT). It is the most prestigious grant in Europe and he will now develop this ambitious project at Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures (BCMaterials).