Euskampus day 2021
BCMaterials presents its joint activities with the University of Bordeaux at Euskampus day 2021Amazing workshop NM4BL21
Amazing workshop with outstanding speakers. We have had interesting discussions and sinergies to explore the new paths on the development of materials for biotechnology and for better life!NM4BL 2021 posters
Vote for your favourite poster for NM4BL 2021 on Century Materials Emerging Scholars at the Frontiers Symposium
The "21st Century Materials: Emerging Scholars at the Frontiers" Symposium aims to discuss the most recent advancements in Materials Science delivered by emerging scholars at the frontiers. The…NM4BL 2021 Workshop
The registration to our annual workshop NM4BL is open until 20th for face to face and until 28th for online attendance. We look forward to seeing you there! nm4bl.orgVisit of the winners of Zientzia Azoka
A pleasure to have received the winners of Zientzia Azoka Xiyu Wu and Nahia Ruiz and the teacher Zuriñe Etxeandia from Nuestra Señora del Carmen Indautxu school. Keep up your passion for science, you…Joint BNC - ITPM seminar on neutron & synchrotron studies of magnetism
Jose Maria Porro will give a talk on 6th of October at the Budapest Neutron Centre about Large scale facilities and magnetism: x-rays and neutrons to probe bulk and patterned magnetic nanomaterials…New internship students
Welcome to the new internship students. We hope that you enjoy your research experience.Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras
Yesterday we had a great afternoon showing how our research helps to improve the environment. At BCMaterials we investigate very promising treatments for the environment using magnetic nanoparticles…Talk given to the 2nd year high school students of I.E.S. Artaza Romo
Thank you very much to the I.E.S Artaza Romo 2nd year high school group for participating in our talk on New Materials for a More Sustainable Life, you are the future!La Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras
BCMaterials participates in the Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras with the talk New materials for a more sustainable life. Join us! Nuevos materiales para una vida más sostenible…Invited talk: Javier del Valle
Dr. Javier del Valle has given us an amazing talk about correlated oxides for neuromorphic computing. Impresive results.Seminar: Technological Challenges of Functional Printing applied to Industrial Packaging
On September 29 do not miss the seminar Technological Challenges of Functional Printing Applied to Industrial Packaging organized by the 3Neo platform and PACKNET Cluster Functional Print. Raquel…Multifun project: Lortek and LKR visit
Very productive meeting with some of the partners of H2020 Multifun project to discuss the latest results and next steps on the development of new materials for AM. Great team!Webinar: "BIOPRINTING IN HEALTH"
Next September 16 at 16:00h will take place the webinar: "BIOIMPRESSION IN HEALTH": Senentxu Lanceros will give a talk on 3D printing: Current and future applications.Nelson Castro has won the prize for the most innovative PhD
Nelson Castro has won the prize for the most innovative and creative PhD thesis with high possibilities to be a business project. His thesis is on Design, Construction and Validation of a New…New publication in Mapping Ignorance
Check our new publication in Mapping Ignorance about mimicking nature to face the green environmental transition. Mimicking nature to face the green environmental transition - Mapping IgnoranceAnder Reizabal: "Gure helburua zetaren multifuntzionaltasuna frogatzea izan da beti"
Ander Reizabal, BCmaterials ikertzaileak, elkarrizketan bere ikerketa esperientzia nola izan den kontatu digu. "Gure nahia, prozesu toxikorik gabe eta material naturalak erabilita…