


    Next September 16 at 16:00h will take place the webinar: "BIOIMPRESSION IN HEALTH": Senentxu Lanceros will give a talk on 3D printing: Current and future applications.
  • Ander Reizabal: "Gure helburua zetaren multifuntzionaltasuna frogatzea izan da beti"


    Ander Reizabal, BCmaterials ikertzaileak, elkarrizketan bere ikerketa esperientzia nola izan den kontatu digu. "Gure nahia, prozesu toxikorik gabe eta material naturalak erabilita…
  • Nelson Castro has won the prize for the most innovative PhD


    Nelson Castro has won the prize for the most innovative and creative PhD thesis with high possibilities to be a business project. His thesis is on Design, Construction and Validation of a New…
  • New publication in Mapping Ignorance


    Check our new publication in Mapping Ignorance about mimicking nature to face the green environmental transition. Mimicking nature to face the green environmental transition - Mapping Ignorance
  • New cover on Circular Economy


    Check our new cover on Circular Economy. Carlos M. Costa, Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, and co-workers, report on the development of hybrid PVDF-TrFE/TiO2 membranes for lithium-ion battery and…
  • New article in ACS Appl Mater Interfaces


    New article on 3D Printed Microfluidic Device for Magnetic Trapping and SERS Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental and Biomedical Analytes. Congrats to the authors!…
  • WIND2GRID project


    Eleven Basque companies and two technology centres, BCMaterials and Tecnalia, have come together in the WIND2GRID project to design and develop a new floating substation concept. Home - WIND2GRID (…
  • Check our new review: 25 years of reticular Chemistry.


    Check our new review: 25 years of reticular Chemistry. Congrats to the amazing team! 25 Years of Reticular Chemistry - Freund - - Angewandte Chemie International Edition - Wiley Online Library
  • 3 new R&D&I 2020 projects


    We have 3 new R&D&I 2020 projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation that will drive research excellence in strategic areas such as the environment, biomedicine and…
  • New cover on Advanced Functional Materials


    Check the new cover on Advanced Functional Materials about Tunable Superparamagnetic Ring (tSPRing) for Droplet Manipulation. Congrats to the authors!!!
  • Congratulations for the PhD Scholarship Xiangjiang Yu


    Xiangjiang Yu was selected for a China Scholarship Council (CSC) PhD Scholarship to work at BCMaterials with Prof. Stefan Wuttke. Congratulations!!!
  • Internship students


    Welcome to the new internship students. We hope that you enjoy your first research experience in an advanced multifunctional materials laboratory.
  • James Harry Martin, New incorporation


    Welcome to James Harry Martin, Pre-Doctoral Researcher Associate at BCMaterials.
  • New cover on Advanced Engineering Materials


    Ander Garcia and co- authors have just published a review paper on magnetorheological elastomers, materials that change their mechanical properties with a magnetic field with potential applications…
  • New cover on Advanced Functional Materials


    A new artistic contribution from BCMaterials illustrating the electrical response due to gas adsorption in Metal-Organic Framework/Ionic liquid composites.…
  • Ane Jurado, New Incorporation


    Welcome to our new administrative officer Ane Jurado. We hope that you enjoy and learn a lot with us during your internship.
  • New publication on Wiley


    A. Valverde and co-workers have published a new work on ChemSusChem journal. They show how MOF-chitin composites can be applied for the capture of diverse pollutants. https://chemistry-europe.…
  • Jose Ramón Dios new Doctor


    Congratulations Jose Ramón Dios for your amazing PhD defence about piezorresistive and conductive polimer composites integrated by advanced manufacturing. Gaiker, UPV/EHU, Universidade do Minho.