21st Century Materials Emerging Scholars at the Frontiers Symposium
The "21st Century Materials: Emerging Scholars at the Frontiers" Symposium aims to discuss the most recent advancements in Materials Science delivered by emerging scholars at the frontiers.
The symposium is jointly organized by the Berkeley Global Science Institute (Prof. Omar Yaghi, USA), BCMaterials (Prof. Stefan Wuttke, Spain), and College of Science at the United Arab Emirates University.
We are proud and delighted to include in this symposium a keynote speech by a Nobel Laureate, Sir Fraser Stoddart from Northwestern University, USA, among other 22 distinguished speakers. The event will be moderated by five prominent Material Scientists.
Symposium will be held virtually on 8-10 November 2021 at 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (UAE Time). The event is open for Scientific Community in the UAE and worldwide.
Save the date! Click here to register for free!
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