About us
We generate knowledge about new materials, to turn it into solutions for the benefit of society
Welcome to BCMaterials!
BCMaterials, Basque Center on Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, is an autonomous research center launched in June 2012 by Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) as a research center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures. The center is included in the BERC’s (Basque Excellence Research Centers) network and its mission is to generate knowledge on the new generation of materials, turning this knowledge into (multi)functional solutions and devices for the benefit of society.
We develop, evaluate, understand and implement materials for sensors and actuators which are critical for the internet of Things and Industry 4.0. We research on materials for advanced biological and biomedical applications and materials for energy (both generation and storage), among others, paradigms fields that are shaping modern technological drives.
Our commitment with society ranges not only in research, development and technology transfer, but also in outreach and the formation of the new generation of great scientists.
Thus, feel free to navigate in through webpage to realize our motivation and competences and to check our main results. Also come to visit and contact us for collaboration, technology transfer or just for knowing the newest developments in advanced materials.
Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez
Scientific Director
We develop, evaluate, understand and implement materials for sensors and actuators which are critical for the internet of Things and Industry 4.0. We research on materials for advanced biological and biomedical applications and materials for energy (both generation and storage), among others, paradigms fields that are shaping modern technological drives.
Gender equility
BCMaterials, as a Research Center of Excellence of the Science and Technology Network of the Basque Country, is committed to equality between men and women.
Excellence in Human Resources
Fundación BCMaterials is going to receive the official acknowledgement from the European Commission for excellence in Human Resources management for researchers.
Transparency and annual reports
We provide open and accessible information and data on our activities and operations, according to our internal policies, the laws and the will of our Board of Trustees.
BCMaterials organization structure
Learn how scientific research and adminsitrative work is organized at BCMaterials.

BCMaterials, Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, is a research center included in the BERC’s (Basque Excellence Research Centers) network. The mission of BCMaterials is to develop high-quality interdisciplinary research in multifunctional and active materials with advanced properties, from their basic understanding to explore new applications. Thus, it is our mission to generate knowledge in new generation of materials, as well as to turn this knowledge into (multi)functional solutions and devices for the benefit of society.
In order to achieve the mission, BCMaterials also carry out high-level post-graduate training in new materials and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration with leading centers and companies as the driving force behind major scientific and technological advances.
BCMaterials is committed to be an international reference research center in the area of multifunctional, active materials and nanomaterials. Our commitment with society comprises not only in research, development and technology transfer, but also outreach and the formation of new generations of great scientists. Thus, we build strong links with local, national and international institutions, organization and companies to provide our expertise and facilities to explore innovations in materials and related technologies with the highest quality.
The quality of publications and project results, in conjunction with the image and prestige, based on research excellence, staff satisfaction and social responsibility, is at the base of international recognition of BCMaterials.
Reference values assumed by BCMaterials are:
- Leadership in the areas of advanced materials and materials technologies
- Commitment to the Principles of Excellence.
- Transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in resource management.
- Satisfaction and development of researchers and other staff.
- Quest for maximum return to the society and contribution to sustainability.
Organization chart
Our excellence lies in the people who make up BCMaterials. We have top-level research and administrative staff with a passion for science and technology, experience and motivation.
- Board of trustees
International Scientific Advisory Committee- Scientific Director
Local Scientific Advisory Committee
Scientific board- General Manager
- Research lines
Research Professor Group Leader
Research Associate
Research Fellow
Postdoctoral Researcher
Predoctoral Researcher - Service Areas
Human Resources
Finance & Controlling
Projects & Grants
Outreach & Transfer
Facilities, Equipment & IT
- Research lines
- General Manager
- Scientific Director

Under the Basque and Spanish laws, foundations are governed by a Board of Trustees (Patronato).
The Board of Trustees of BCMaterials Foundation is composed by representatives of Ikerbasque (the Basque Foundation for Science) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
Currently the members are:

Vice minister of Universities and Research, Basque Government

General Secretary of the UPV/EHU.

Vice Rector of Research, UPV/EHU

Vice Rector of Scientific-Social Development and Transfer, UPV/EHU

Director of Scientific Policy, Basque Government

Scientific Director of Ikerbasque
The International Advisory Committee is made up of internationally recognized experts in the different strategic areas of the center. It is a body in charge of monitoring and supporting the progress of the center, helping to improve its competitiveness to position BCMaterials as a reference center worldwide.

Leader of the Smart Biomaterials Research Group
Group leader of the Biomedical Research Networking Centre in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), and of the Research Institute of the Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid. Spain
Dept. of Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty of Pharmacy,Universidad Complutense Madrid (UCM)

Director ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science (ACES)
Director ANFF (Materials Node)
Director Translational Research Initiative for Cellular Engineering and Printing (TRICEP)

James and Neeltje Tretter Chair Professor of Chemistry
University of California, Berkeley
Kavli Energy NanoSciences Institute at Berkeley
California Research Alliance by BASF

Professor of microfluidics and miniaturized “lab-on-a-chip” systems
Faculty of Science and Engineering
University of Groningen, Netherlands

Associate Head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Toyota Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

Regius Professor of Materials at the University of Manchester, UK
Chief Scientist of the Henry Royce Institute
The local advisory committee is made up of internationally recognized experts in the different strategic areas of the center. Likewise, the committee is aware of the socio-economic, scientific, technological and industrial reality in which BCMaterials is integrated and to which these experts have contributed in a notable way.
It is a body in charge of monitoring and supporting the center's progress, helping to improve its integration, competitiveness and contribution to the Basque system of science, technology and innovation, also helping its position as an international reference center.

Former Chief Technology Officer and Business Development Director at TECNALIA Research & Innovation, BT Division.
Former member of the Conseil Scientifique et Technologique of NOBATEK-INEF4 (France).
Former member of the Jury of the CSTB “Lab Accélérateur de Start-up” (France).
Former Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the West of Scortland.

Cement & Roadstone Holding Corporative Quality Manager in the last two years and Plant Manager in Cementos Lemona, S.A for 6 years in previous ones.
First woman appointed Cement Plant Manager in Spain and in the CRH Group.
Member of Management Board of APLICACIONES MINERALES, S.A.
Very active in R&D project leadership and sustainability in constructions materials

Professor of Physical Chemistry
Founder of the Macromolecular group at the Department of Physical-Chemistry, University of the Basque Country
Member of the PhD commission and/or post-graduation of the University of the Basque Country from 1988 to 2015.
Vice-Dean of the Science Faculty of the University of the Basque Country

Professor of Crystallography and Mineralogy at UPV/EHU, since 1992
Director of the UPV/EHU Advanced Research Facilities (SGIker) since its creation (2002-2021).
Euskadi research award in Science and Technology in 2010
Member of the expert committee for the design of Basic Strategic Lines of Science, Technology and Innovation for the Basque Government and academic of Jakiunde, Basque Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters since 2012.

Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the UPV-EHU
Scientific director of CIC EnergiGUNE from 2010 to 2020
President of the Group pf Solid State Chemistry of the Royal Spanish Society from 2000 to 2010
National prize in Inorganic Chemistry of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry in 2013.
Academic of the Royal Spanish Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences since 2015

Fundig bodies:

Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science created on 2007 by Basque Government, helps develop scientific research in the Basque Country by attracting outstanding researchers and creating new capacities for the region, in cooperation with research centres and universities in a commitment to excellence.

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) represents the biggest public university in the Basque Country, offering 67 Bachelor´s Degrees in all fields of knowledge, 103 official master’s programs, 44 professional & expert diplomas and 71 PhD programmes.
Partners and Supporters:

The Government of Basque Country is currently involved in the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2020 to improve welfare, sustainable economic growth and employment in Basque society through the development of a research and innovation policy based on smart specialisation and improvement of the Science, Technology and Innovation system, aligned with the European Horizon 2020 programme.

The European Commission is the executive of the European Union and promotes its general interest by coupling research and innovation, programmes such as Horizon 2020 founded with a budget of nearly 80 billion €. The goal of European Commission is to ensure Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation.

The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, assumes the responsibility for fostering research and innovation, and the management of international relations in this area and the Spanish representation in programs and international organizations, and the EU. The Spanish Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation is the framework instrument that establishes the general objectives linked to fostering and developing RTDI activities in Spain during 2013-2020.

Functional Print is a leading cluster od additive and functional printing in Europe.It promotes growth and competitiveness through corporate and tecnological co-operation and colaboration to promote one of the most innovative sectors with the best perspectives for industrial growth in Spain.

With the support of the Department for Economic Development of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Bizkaia Talent was established in 2005 as a non-profit organisation with a clear mission: to foster and facilitate the implementation of the necessary conditions for attracting, connecting and retaining in Bilbao, the Historic Territory of Bizkaia and the Basque Country in general, highly qualified people in the areas of knowledge and innovation.

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) provide grants for all stages of researchers’ careers – be they doctoral candidates or highly experienced researchers – and encourage transnational, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The MSCA enable research-focused organisations, like BCMaterials, to host talented foreign researchers and to create strategic partnerships with leading institutions worldwide.

The Human Frontier Science Program is a program of funding for frontier research in the life sciences. This initiative promotes international collaboration in basic research focused on the elucidation of sophisticated and complex mechanisms of living organisms. The program is implemented by the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) with its office in Strasbourg. Some projects of BCMaterials researchers have been awarded by the prestigious HFSP grants.