We shape a new generation of great scientists offering plenty of training opportunities

During the year 2023.

During the year 2023.

During the year 2023.

Spent an internship term with us in 2023.
Job opportunities for students
We generate knowledge in new intelligent, active and multifunctional materials, and apply it to address the most relevant challenges for society: prevention, monitoring and environmental remediation, energy generation and storage, biomedicine and biotechnology, and the development of advanced materials required by digitization strategies.
- Energy
- Environment
- Biomedicine
- Additive manufacturing
BCMaterials, the Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures located in Leioa (Bizkaia, Spain), provides different training opportunities for PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE students, with the opportunity to develop their studies in the areas of advanced multifunctional materials, from their first experiences in labor practices and final thesis, up to the final Master's Thesis and Doctoral Program.
BCMaterials offers research training of excellence, periodic scientific seminars and colloquia, as well as access to high-level laboratory facilities.
We are looking for highly motivated students who want to advance on their studies, consider completing them with a Master's degree, and are interested in pursuing a PhD with us.
BCMaterials, the Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures located in Leioa (Bizkaia, Spain), provides different training opportunities for physics, chemistry, biology and materials science students.

The undergraduate internship program offers Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering, Energy, Biology or Environmental Sciences students the opportunity to have a first research experience in an advanced multifunctional materials laboratory.
BCMaterials offers top-notch scientific training, dedicated supervision, regular scientific seminars and colloquia, as well as access to high-level laboratory facilities.
Eligibility criteria:
- Eligible candidates must be undergraduate students enrolled at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU).
- A collaboration agreement must be signed between the student’s university and BCMaterials, and a minimum amount of credits will be required to enroll.
- Students must be prepared to have a minimum dedication of 3 consecutive months, during the morning or afternoon, covering a minimum of 300 hours in total.
Application and selection process:
- Applicants must complete the form available at the bottom of this page and must include their CV, academic transcripts and letters of motivation and reference.
- Applications are accepted throughout the year, having to specify a preferred date to start them, but the final start is subject to availability.
- The student’s academic record will influence the selection process, as well as the rest of the information provided.
- Within 2 weeks of receipt, BCMaterials will contact the student by the means informed in the application, to determine the feasibility of the practices and carry out the appropriate administrative procedures.
Recent internships:
- Rubén Conde
Conductive and Magnetic Polymer-based Nanocomposites.
- Jimena Eraso
Analyserai des biomatériaux et des nano structures du domaine biomédical.
- Hassene Dhifaoui
Elaboration and characterization of thin layers based on an organic matrix composite: Application for organic electronics and molecular photovoltaics.
- Gaizka Ventosa
Desarrollo de una nueva resina curable con UV.
- Eya Rezgui
Synthesis, crystallographic studies, physicochemical characterizations and improvement of the electrical properties of arsenates and iron phosphates.
- Elena Prieto
- Ainhoa Andrés
Desarrollo de prototipos por impresión 3D para aplicaciones catalíticas.
- Adrián Carrasco
Development of hybrid hydrogels for tissue engineerings
- Patricia Fernández
Microgels biomimétiques pour recréer l'interaction entre les cellules tumorales et leur microenvironnement
- Iker Goyenechea
Crecimiento de monocristales de ortoferrita dopada por métodos de zona flotante y de flujo.
- Mikel Gómez
Experimental setup for all optical switching.
- Unai Markina
Desarrollo de nuevos productos basados en polímeros derivados del petróleo más sostenibles
- Mireia Tena
Advanced Manufacturing of Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys for Green Refrigeration
- María Angulo
Preparación y caracterización de monolitos para proceso de deshidrogenación de propano mediante precursores innovadores desarrollados en BCMaterials.
- Laura Garea
Desarrollo de superficies multifuncionales basadas en materiales fotoactivos
- Aritz Álvarez
Diseño, fabricación y optimización de antenas para sistemas de carga inalámbricos.
- Andrés García
Fabrication and characterization of hard Magnetic alloys.

Degree Final Project (DFP)
BCMaterials, the Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures located in Leioa (Bizkaia, Spain), provides for PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE students, the opportunity to develop their Degree Final Project (DFP) in the areas of advanced multifunctional materials.
BCMaterials offers research training of excellence, periodic scientific seminars and colloquia, as well as access to high-level laboratory facilities.
We are looking for highly motivated students who want to advance on their studies, consider completing them with a Master’s degree, and are interested in pursuing a PhD with us.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Eligible candidates must be undergraduate students enrolled at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU).
- A collaboration agreement must be signed between the student’s university and BCMaterials, and a minimum amount of credits will be required to enroll.
- Students must be prepared to have a minimum dedication of 3 consecutive months, during the morning or afternoon, covering a minimum of 300 hours in total.
Application And Selection Process:
- Applicants must complete the form available at the bottom of this page and must include their CV, academic transcripts and letters of motivation and reference.
- Applications are accepted throughout the year, having to specify a preferred date to start them, but the final start is subject to availability.
- The student’s academic record will influence the selection process, as well as the rest of the information provided.
- Within 2 weeks of receipt, BCMaterials will contact the student by the means informed in the application, to determine the feasibility of the practices and carry out the appropriate administrative procedures, and consider the DFP viability.
Recent DFPs:
- Melanie Taguado
"Síntesis y caracterización de poliuretanos biocompatibles con memoria de forma".
- Izaro Rodríguez Renovales
"Sistemas Cu-PDC como precursores de bio-MOFs: síntesis, caracterización y estudio bibliográfico".
- Sara Muñana
"3D bioprinting of sodium alginate hydrogels with TiO2 nanoparticles for organic dye capture".

Master Thesis Final Project (MTFP)
BCMaterials, the Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures located in Leioa (Bizkaia, Spain), provides for PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE students, the opportunity to develop their Master Thesis Final Project (MTFP) in the areas of advanced multifunctional materials.
BCMaterials offers research training of excellence, periodic scientific seminars and colloquia, as well as access to high-level laboratory facilities.
We are looking for highly motivated students who want to advance on their studies and are interested in pursuing a PhD with us.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Eligible candidates must be master students enrolled at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
- A collaboration agreement must be signed between the student’s university and BCMaterials.
- Students must be prepared to have a minimum dedication of 3 consecutive months, during the morning or afternoon, covering a minimum of 300 hours in total.
Application And Selection Process:
- Applicants must complete the form available at the bottom of this page and must include their CV, academic transcripts and letters of motivation and reference.
- Applications will be accepted before enrolment in the master, being the most recommended option, designing the TFM in common agreement with the student and one of the teachers of the Master.
- Applications will also be accepted once the Master’s degree has started, when the offer of master’s projects has already been made.
- The student’s academic record will influence the selection process, as well as the rest of the information provided.
- Within 2 weeks of receipt, BCMaterials will contact the student by the means informed in the application, to determine the feasibility of the MTFP and carry out the appropriate administrative procedures.
Recently finished MTFPs:
- Alejandro Alba
Electrodos transparentes para aplicaciones en electroquimiluminiscencia
- Ana Paula Tamayo de Souza
Desarrollo de tintas de proteína de soja y lana de oveja latxa y caracterización de los scaffolds impresos
- Ane Martín Ayerdi
Improving the Barrier Properties of Packaging Paper by Biopolymer Based Coating, Antonio Veloso, Master en Nuevos Materiales
- Blanca Esther Busteros Abad
Hidrogeles híbridos con propiedades avanzadas para aplicaciones biomédicas
- Carlos Ruiz Díez
Design and optimization of a high efficiency portable water sterilizer conceived to run on biodegradable batteries
- Erika Pajares Garcia
Estrategias para la revalorización de biopolímeros en el desarrollo de copolímeros de elevado rendimiento
- Fábio Manuel Ratana Rodrigues
Micro-estruturas híbridas eletroativas para a regeneração da medula espinal
- Idoia Urteaga Contín
Materiales híbridos basados en biopolímeros y nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos para la purificación in-flow de agua contaminada por degradación fotocatalítica
- Jon Napal de Zubiria
Estructura y propiedades de materiales porosos construidos a partir de entidades polinucleares cobre-adenina
- Josu Fernandez Maestu
Design and development of multifunctional materials combining piezo- and magnetoactive effects
- Maite Arregi Arretxea
Películas biodegradables basadas en proteína de lactosuero
- Markel Saenz Cantera
Modificación de materiales poliméricos para la dosificación inteligente de fármacos insolubles en agua, Maria Isabel Moreno y José Luis Vilas, Master en Nuevos Materiales
- Nerea Azcona Aliende
Xerogeles de sílica funcionalizados con lantánidos y fluoróforos orgánicos para su aplicación como sensores químicos
- Nerea Landaluce Álvarez
Aunando la química de los clústeres metal-orgánicos y polioxometalatos para el desarrollo de materiales fotocatalíticos mejorados
- Rui Miguel Gonçalves Carvalho
Tintas magneticamente ativas para recolha e gestão energética
- Saloa Vaquero Vílchez
Ionic liquid laden Zn-based MOF solid electrolyte for lithium ion batteries
- Sandra Mena Gutiérrez
Estructura y propiedades de materiales porosos construidos a partir de entidades polinucleares cobre-adenina
- Aritz Villar
Pulsos ultra-cortos, aplicación al magnetismo
- Joseba Totoricaguena Gorriño
Nanostructured thin film-based elements: focus on high frequency applications
- Ruben Teijido Fernandez
Estudio de interacciones polioxometalato-polímero en materiales híbridos
- Esraa Samy Abu Serea Sewlam
Nanocompuestos multirresistentes con propiedades fototérmicas como tejidos bioimitadores
- Asma Mooti
Desarrollo de nanocomposites multiferroicos tricomponente
- Irene Aizpitarte
Fabricación y caracterización de nanoestructuras para aplicación biomédica
- Aitor Delgado
Diseño y fabricación de sensores magnéticos por técnicas de impresión
- Bosco Rodríguez
Fabricación y procesamiento de aleaciones metamagnéticas con efecto magnetocalórico para tintas de screen-printing
- Juan Jose Gutierrez
Degradación térmica de materiales. Caracterización de residuos
- Andrade del Olmo
Multilayer of chitosan and anionic b-cyclodextrin onto polylactic acid (PLLA) for food packaging
- Sheila Maiz
Hidrogeles inyectables basados en quitosano
- Marc Avila
Assessment of thin-film magnetic sensors for the detection of magnetotactic bacteria.
- Leixuri Baños
Polimorfismo en fármacos de consumo habitual: ¿sabemos lo que tomamos?
- David Gandia
"Self-Assembly and magnetic response of aligned magnetotactic bacteria".
- Laura Gracia Marcén
"Preparation of Au/TiO2nanostructures for incorporation in photoanodes ofhigh efficiency solar cells".
- Claudia Ezquerro
"Nanodiscs by colloidal lithography for biomedical applications".
- Ana María Schönhöbel Sánchez
"Magnetic characterization of CexSm1-xFe9Co2Ti alloys for permanent magnets".
- Paula González
"Desarrollo de membranas de intercambio protónico basadas en composites polímero@líquido íonico".
- Maria Paz Crespo
"Applications of Shape Memory polymers to self-healing surfaces".
- Mikel Mugica
"Analysis of the Fatigue Cycling on Elastomeric Polymer with Ferromagnetic Particles Composites for Damping Applications".
- Sara del Hoyo
"Preparation of polymer multilayer systems to optimize medical devices".
- Iker Lamas
"Preparation and characterization of nanostructured materials for solar cells".
- Omar Ruiz Ortega
"Ferritas con Mn y Zn: Síntesis, Caracterización y Propiedades Magnéticas".
- Ander García Díez
"Biomedical application of magnetic nanoparticles synthesised by bacteria".
- Javier López García
"Martensitic transformation behavior under magnetic field and magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic shape Memory alloys".
- Natalia Ahiova Rio Lopez
"Diseño de superficie en aleaciones con memoria de forma magnética".
- Leire Celaya Azcoaga
"MOF@Polímero para aplicaciones biomédicas".
- Xenia Armengol Garin
"Impresión de dispositivos electrónicos a escala micro- y nanométrica".
- Paula Rodríguez
Metal-Organic Framework gels based electrochemical sensors: towards the development of a versatile platform for detection of biologically relevant molecules and water pollutants.
- Aroa Marcos
Síntesis de complejos luminiscentes de Iridio (III) para aplicaciones de diagnóstico clínico.
- Jon Canosa
Influencia de la morfología en las propiedades de nuevos materiales híbridos magnetoactivos del tipo: matriz polimérica / inclusión magnética
- Edgar fuentes
Development of biodegradable hydrogels for tissue engineering applications

Doctoral program
As an Excellence Research Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, BCMaterials works in the forefront of the main scientific and technological challenges of current society. We work on the new generation of materials and apply them into (multi)functional solutions and devices for the benefit of society.
Further, our commitment with society also focus on the formation of the new generation of great scientists, together with our colleagues and partners from the UPV/EHU.
In this scope, BCMaterials offers PhD Fellowships to perform research in areas as diverse and challenging as materials for sensors and actuators, which are critical for the internet of Things and Industry 4.0; materials for advanced biological and biomedical applications; materials for energy (both generation and storage) or materials for environmental monitoring and remediation.
Thus, PhD Fellows will integrate highly multidisciplinary Research Areas, led by highly qualified scientist, to develop:
- Materials for Digitalization and Emerging Technologies in which BCMaterials works on the development of smart and multifunctional materials with improved integration through advanced manufacturing processes, such as printing technologies. Self-sensing, self- cleaning and self-repairing materials are being developed and integrated into functional prototypes, among others.
- Materials for Biomedicine and Biotechnology, related to nanoparticle based biomedicine, from hyperthermia to point of care microdevices, as well as on the incorporation of active scaffolds and microenvironments for tissue regeneration.
- Materials for Energy Generation and Storage, focussing on the conversion between solar energy and chemical energy in applications such as perovskite based solar cells; on the development of energy harvesting systems for self-power and wearable sensors, and in materials for Li and Na- batteries, as well as for printable batteries.
- Materials for Environmental Prevention, Remediation and Monitoring focussing on materials for the three main issues that must be solved in the near future: environmental friendlier materials technologies (circular economy), sensors for environmental monitoring and remediation of contaminated scenarios.
Training in advanced materials is a requisite for the advance of industries with a large technological basis. In this context, the BCMaterials also offers important collaborations with local and International Industries and Technology Centers in Materials.
2024 Call for PhD Fellowships
- Deadline: 15 June 2024
- Resolution: 1 July 2024
The 2024 PhD Fellowships Call has now been launched to provide predoctoral students in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering, Energy, Biology, Biotechnology or Environmental Science the opportunity to develop their PhD thesis in the areas of advanced multifunctional materials.
We offer up to 4 contracts to predoctoral students for the PhD thesis to be done at BCMaterials.
To guarantee the development of the research project in the best conditions, BCMaterials will offer excellent scientific training, a dedicated supervision, regular scientific seminars and colloquia, as well as access to high-level laboratory facilities.
We are looking for highly motivated predoctoral researchers who are interested in pursuing a doctoral degree at our institution. BCMaterials presently has 40 Ph.D. students, who conduct their research in our international environment.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Master’s degree or equivalent in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering, Energy, Biology or Environmental Science.
- Candidates should have a good verbal and written communication skills in English.
- Capacity for teamwork in an interdisciplinary and international environment.
- Self-motivation and willingness to perform independent research.
- Creativity in problem solving.
- Presentation skills and able to meet the deadline are also required.
Application And Selection Process:
- Applicants have to fill the application form at the end of this page and must include their CV, academic records and motivation and reference letters. On motivation letter, it must be referred the principal Research Area on which applicant is interested.
- Applications will be accepted until 15 June 2024.
- The selection process will start right after this deadline and the positions will be awarded on a competitive basis taking into consideration the student’s academic record as well as the rest of the information provided.
- The resolution will be communicated to the selected candidates by 1 July 2024.
Recently finished PhDs
- Mikel Arrese-Igor Royuela
Double layer polymer electrolytes enabling high voltage solid state lithium metal batteries
- Nagore Barroso Garcia
A study of metal-organic framework sorption phenomena in solution
- Beatriz Dias Cardoso
Evaluation of drug loaded magnetoliposomes as multifunctional platforms for advanced cell therapies
- Dmitry Galyamin
Aspectos clave para el desarrollo de inmunosensores digitales electroquímicos sostenibles
- Lorena Germán Ayuso
Microfluidic Technologies and Sensing Materials for Sample Preparation and Analysis of Biofluids
- Ricardo Jorge Brito Gonçalves Pereira
A new generation of microfluidic platforms based on smart and multifunctional materials
- Naveen Harindu
Reliability enhancement of perovskite solar cells: Role of low dimensional, materials for interfacial modifications
- Muhammed Haris Palattuparambil Usman
Phase-stabilization in FAPbI3-based perovskite solar cells via powder engineering and additivisation strategies
- Maksym Karpets
Impact of magnetic and electric field on structure of magnetic fluids
- Teresa Isabel Marques de Almeida
Tailored electroactive polymer-based materials for neural tissue engineering applications
- João Carlos Pacheco Barbosa
Development of three component solid-polymer electrolytes for energy storage applications
- Maite Perfecto Irigaray
Metal-organic porous materials for carbon dioxide valorization, water adsorption and phtocatalytic hydrogen production
- Estibaliz Ruiz Bilbao
Polyoxometalate-Based Hybrids with 3d- and 4f-Metal Complexes Bearing Multidentate Organic Ligands - From Magnetoluminescent Molecular Species to Extended Frameworks with Sorption
Ability - Ainara Valverde de Mingo
Metal-organic frameworks and their composites for water remediation
- Fangyuan Zheng
Hybrid photocatalytic materials for contaminants of emerging concern degradation.
- Adrian Angulo Ibáñez
Desarrollo de materiales fotocatalíticos mediante formulaciones sol-gel y estructuras metalorgánicas de Ti(IV) para su aplicación en la degradación de materia orgánica y reducción de CO2.
- Andrea Ochoa
Diseño de un biosensor para la detección de anticuerpos relacionados a alergias alimenticias
- David Payno
Improving Kesterite for its use in low-cost superstrate solar cells
- Iratxe Zarandona
Design of chitosan-based materials for food applications
- Jon Andrade Del Olmo
Hyaluronic acid- and chitosan-based antibacterial coatings on ti6al4v for biomedical implant applications
- Jon Pascual Colino
Merging porosity with magnetism and fluorescence in metal-organic materials for sensing purposes
- Leire Etxeberria
Different approaches for mass production of thermoplastic microfluidic devices
- Meenakshi Pegu
Developing Hole Selective Layers and Implementing Large-size Organic cations for Perovskite Solar Cells
- Mikel Rincón Iglesias
Sustainable multifunctional materials with tailored magnetic and electrical properties for electronics applications
- Mireia Andonegi
Valorization of agro-industrial wastes for the production of biodegradable products based on collagen / Nekazal eta industria hondakinen balorizazioa kolagenoan oinarrituriko produktu biodegradagarriak ekoizteko
- Maria Teresa Guillot Ferriols
Electroactive environments for mesenchymal stem cells osteogenic Differentiation
- Marina Navarro
Primary Batteries Paradigm Redefinition within the Environmental Planetary Boundaries
- Ana Catarina Branco Lima
Magnetically responsive inks for printed electronics components and devices: integration into a fully printed magnetic sensor
- Artykulnyi Oleksandr
Complexation of anionic surfactants with polyethylene glycol in the liquid systems of water solutions
- Hugo Higino de Barros Machado Martins Salazar
New generation of polymer composite membranes for water purification
- Nelson Miguel Macedo da Silva Pereira
Development of multifunctional inks for the implementation of interactive applications
- Sérgio Abílio Pereira Gonçalves
New generation of interactive platforms based on novel printed smart materials.
- Bruno Hermenegildo
“Electro and magnetically active polymer-based hybrid microenvironments for muscle tissue engineering"
- Iñigo Fernández
"Síntesis y caracterización de nuevos copolímeros amino-sintético".
- Eduardo Fernández
"Thin film magnetoimpedance microstuctures for sensing applications".
- Nagore Pérez
"Nanopartículas metálicas biocompatibilizadas con surfactantes poliméricos".
- Amaia Iturrospe
"Síntesis, caracterización química y estudio estructural de sistemas basados en heteropolianiones de wolframio y silicio o germanio y complejos de cobre con ligandos N4 tetradentados".
- Idoia Castellanos
"Preparación y caracterización de nanopartículas de Pd, PdFe y Fe3O4; potenciales agentes inductores de hipertermia magnética".
- Paula Serras
“High voltage cathodes for Na-ION batteries: Na3V2O2x(PO4)2F3-2X system”
- Aroa Pache
“Hybrid compounds based on the interaction between heteropolyoxotungstates and copper(II) complexes of N,O-chelating ligands”
- Beñat Artetxe
“Systematic studies on 3d- and 4f-metal containing polyoxometalates suitable for organic derivatization”
- Ivan Rodriguez-Aseguinolaza
“Thin Films of Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys”
- Arkaitz Fidalgo
“MOFs basados en metaloporfirinas: diseño estructural orientado a la biomimetización de sus propiedades naturales”
- Oihane Kistiñe Arriortua
“Nanopartículas de PD, PDfe y fe3o4 ; Agentes Inductores de Hipertermia Magnética”
- Eneko Axpe
“Uncovering the role of free volume in biomaterials and biological matter”
- Aroa Morán
“Development of contact coatings for SOFC”
- Eneko Garaio
”Development of experimental techniques for magnetic hyperthermia therapy”
- Estíbaliz Aranzabe Basterrechea
“Desarrollo de Pigmentos Cerámicos Multifuncionales Orientados a la Mejora de la Eficiencia Energética en Edificación”
- Alberto Maceiras
“Polyimides for piezoelectric materials, magnetoelectric nanocomposites and battery separators”
- Cristina Cerrillo Redondo
“Towards the standardization of nanoecotoxicity testing: Selection of environmentally relevant methods”
- Virginia Sáenz de Viteri Gimeno
“Development of protective coatings to improve the Ti6Al4V alloy behavior in orthopedic applications”
- Francisco Llano Tomé
“Host-guest chemistry of solid coordination frameworks (SCFs) based on Cu(II)-pyridine ligands"
- Mariana Marques
“Development of multifunctional coatings deposited on polymers based sensors for biomedical applications”
- Daniela Correia
“Three dimensional scaffolds based on electroactive polymers for tissue engineering applications”
- Mª Blanca Valle
"Magnetic Scaffolds for biomedical applications"
- Christian Omar Aguilar
“Propiedades mecánicas y calóricas de cintas elaboradas por solidificación rápida de aleaciones ferromagnéticas con memoria de forma base Niquel”
- Maite Goiriena
"Magnetic vortex nanodiscs for cancer cell destruction"
- Jagoba Martín
"Hybrid polyoxometalates: synthesis, crystal structures, thermostructural behavior and anchoring to tailored polymeric surfaces"
- Xabier Lasheras
"Developing ferrite based nanocompounds for biomedical applications"
- Nuria García
"Development and Applications of Semicrystalline Polymers: From Shape Memory to Self-Healing Materials"
- Pedro Martins
“New generation of photocatalytic nanocomposites: production, characterization and environmental application”.
"Functionalized magnetoelastic resonant platforms for chemical and biological detection purposes".
"Patterned magnetic nanostructures for biomedical applications".
"Acquisition and processing of new data sources for improved condition monitoring of mechanical systems".
"Development of new high anisotropy phases for permanent magnet applications".
"Nuevas arquitecturas de MOSFs y supraMOFs, basadas en la interacción de complejos de cobre con ligandos carboxilato o polioxoaniones".
- Ana María Schonhobel Sánchez
"The Sm-Fe- V based 1:12 permanent magnets".
- Anabel Pérez Checa
"Development of new Ni-Mn-Ga based high temperature shape memory alloys".
- Abbas AL-Rjoub
“Design, fabrication, characterization and aging studies of solar selective absorber surfaces”.
- Juliana Oliveira
"Radiation detectors based on printing technologies".
- Aritza Wain Martin
“Design and development of solid oxide fuel cells”.
- Laura Bravo García
“Nuevas arquitecturas de MOFs y supraMOFs, basadas en la interaccion de complejos de cobre con ligandos carboxilato o polioxoaniones”
"High field, high frequency and temperature adjustable AC magnetometer for magnetic hyperthermia characterization"
"Controlling Functionalization and Morphology of MOF Particles – employing Novel Characterization Techniques".
"Computational Design of Organic-Inorganic perovskite solar cells through drift-diffusion simulation and processes fabrication".
"Design and development of high-performance thermoplastic vulcanizates with vibration damping properties"
"Jatorri naturaleko polimeroetan oinarritutako nanokonpositeen garapena / Natural origin polymer-based nanocomposite development"
"Environmental sensors based on geometrically modified magnetoelastic resonators functionalized with MOFs".
"Tailoring electroactive polymer nanocomposites for novel muscle tissue engineering applications"
"Polymer based sensors fabricated by printing technologies".
"Tailoring Bombyx mori Silk as Multifunctional Material for Advanced Applications".
"Design, Construction and Validation of a New Generations of Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering Applications"
"Multifunctional Photocurable Advanced Materials for Electronics and Sensing Applications"
"Validation of innovative binder solution for wooden circular designed products".
"Novel printable photovoltaic systems based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 chalcopyrite".
"Composites poliméricos conductores y piezorresistivos integrados mediante procesos de fabricación avanzada".
"Marco para el LCA en productos remanufacturados y estudio comparativo de impacto ambiental entre servomotores de nueva fabricación y servomotores remanufacturados".
"Injectable 4d hydrogels for application in regenerative medicine".
"Combined micropattern of cells, biosensors and nanomaterials: towards the integration of cell monitoring microsystems"
- Alazne Galdames
"Remediación de contaminantes persistentes mediante métodos híbridos".
- Aritz Villar
Pulsos ultra-cortos, aplicación al magnetismo