BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminars #32

“Magnetic and structural characterization of magnetic nanoparticles biosynthesized by magnetotactic bacteria”



Magnetotactic bacteria are a microorganism that can align and navigate in geomagnetic fields thanks to the internal presence of a chain of magnetic nanoparticles, also called magnetosomes. These chains play the role of a compass needle and allow to the bacteria to orientate in the Earth´s magnetic field to find a more comfortable and richer in nutrients environment [1].

Seminario: "Tecnologías de Medida de Materiales” Caracterización Electromagnética y Medida de Impedancia.

Keysight Technologies  ofrecerá un seminario en la sede de BCMaterials en el que se explorarán varias tecnologías de medida de materiales, desde medida de impedancia compleja hasta caracterización eléctrica y magnética; y se abordarán diferentes técnicas de medida que permiten caracterizar materiales muy dispares. Se realizarán medidas utilizando instrumentación de medida electrónica de última generación. La inscripción en el seminario es gratuita, las plazas son limitadas. Puede inscribirse llamando al 800 000 154 (

BCMaterials & Master in New Materials invited talk: Dr. Neeraj Sharma

The future is in your hands. What will you make of it? sharma

Neeraj completed his Ph.D. at The University of Sydney then moved to the Bragg Institute at Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) for a post-doc. He is now a lecturer in chemistry at UNSW Australia and holds an Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Research Fellowship.

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