
  • Killing cancer without toxic drugs


    A publication from Prof. Stefan Wuttke in Mapping Ignorance blog about how Nanotechnology enables the creation of delivery vehicles able to overcome physiological barriers, allowing new approaches…
  • BCMaterials at The 2020 Around the Clock Around the Globe Magnetics Conference


    José María Porro, Ikerbasque Research Fellow of BCMaterials, has attended the The 2020 Around the Clock Around the Globe Magnetics Conference as invited speaker with the talk "Neutron and synchrotron…
  • New cover on Chemical Society Reviews


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Controlling the morphology of metal–organic frameworks and porous carbon materials: metal oxides as primary architecture-directing agents, was selected…
  • 2020 Call for PhD Fellowships and Master Scholarships open


    BCMaterials offers PhD Fellowships to perform research in areas as diverse and challenging as materials for sensors and actuators, which are critical for the internet of Things and Industry 4.0;…
  • New cover on Advanced Materials


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Immunotherapy: Metal–Organic Framework Nanoparticles Induce Pyroptosis in Cells Controlled by the Extracellular pH, was selected as journal cover in…
  • BCMaterials at the HERCULES European School


    Ainara Valverde attended last month the HERCULES European School, a 5 week course with 100 hours of lectures and 18 hours of tutorials. This 1-month school, established in 1991, provides training for…
  • New paper on Chemistry of Materials


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues,Tuning the Morphological Appearance of Iron(III) Fumarate: Impact on Material Characteristics and Biocompatibility, was publied in Chemistry of…
  • New paper on CrystEngComm


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Study of the versatility of CuBTC@IL-derived materials for heterogeneous catalysis, was publied in CrystEngComm, 2020, Advance Article. Congratulations…
  • New paper on Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Encapsulation of β-alanine model amino-acid in zirconium(IV) metal organic frameworks: Defect engineering to improve host guest interactions, was…
  • New paper on Dalton Transactions


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Exploring new hydrated delta type vanadium oxides for lithium intercalation, was publied in Dalton Transactions. Congratulations to the authors   DOI…
  • New paper on Journal of Materials Chemistry C


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Reconfigurable 3D-printable magnets with improved maximum energy product, was publied in Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020,8, 952-958.…
  • New paper on IEEE


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Ferromagnetic Resonance in Electroplated CuBe/FeCoNi and Amorphous CoFeSiB Wires, was publied in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1-…
  • New paper on Progress in Materials Science


    A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, Cellulose nanocrystal based multifunctional nanohybrids, was publied in "Progress in Materials Science", in Press. Congratulations to the authors. Doi…
  • BCMaterials colaborará con Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka


    BCMaterials colaborará con Elhuyar Zientzia Azoka, con el objetivo de fomentar la ciencia y la tecnología entre jóvenes. Uno de nuestros objetivos es hacer llegar la ciencia a la sociedad y este…
  • The E-MRS 2020 Spring Meeting is CANCELLED and has to be POSTPONED.


    BCMaterials is organizing a Symposium at the EMRS Spring Meeting from 25th to 29th of March, devoted to academic and industrial partners working on the substitution and recycling of critical raw…
  • El Lehendakari visita las nuevas instalaciones de BCMaterials


    El pasado 19 de diciembre, el Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu, junto con la consejera de Educación Cristina Uriarte y la rectora de la UPV/EHU Nekane Balluerka, ha visitado esta mañana la nueva sede del…
  • BCMaterials at the Fall MRS Meeting


    Invited talk on piezo- and magnetoelectric materials and poster presentations on Li-ion batteries and point-of-care devices at the Fall MRS Meeting in Boston, US. Great time in a great meeting! Also…
  • BCMaterials at the Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics


    Invited seminar on “Tuning structure and active response in polymer-based magnetoelectric materials” at the Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, in Prague. Truly thanks to Andrey…