BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #60: Anabel Pérez & Xabier Lasheras
ANABEL PÉREZ (BCMATERIALS) Influence of selective Ag addition on the transformation temperatures, magnetic properties and lattice parameters of a multicomponent Ni43Co7Mn20Fe2Ga21Cu7 alloy The…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #61: Ikerne Etxebarria & Lourdes Marcano
IKERNE ETXEBARRIA (BCMATERIALS) Printing smart materials and devices Printing technologies are gaining increasing attention in several areas due to the variety of materials that can be printed, the…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #59: Konstantin Guslienko
KONSTANTIN GUSLIENKO (IKERBASQUE RESEARCH PROFESSOR - DEPT. OF MATERIALS PHYSICS UPV/EHU) Magnetic Soliton Dynamics in Patterned Nanostructures: from Vortices to Skyrmions Fundamental understanding…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #58: Irati Rodrigo & Vasileios Alexandrakis
IRATI RODRIGO (BCMATERIALS) The design of a new AC magnetometer Magnetic hyperthermia is a cancer therapy, where magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) placed inside the tumour act as heat sources activated by…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #56: Oihane Arriortua
OIHANE ARRIORTUA (BCMATERIALS) Magnetic nanoparticle approaches for magnetic hyperthermia There is a great success in producing magnetite nanoparticles by chemical methods in the most diverse…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #57: Jagoba Martín y Alberto Maceiras
JAGOBA MARTÍN (BCMATERIALS) Superficial Characterization of Polyoxometalate/Polymer Hybrid Composites using Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-…Winter course: Magnetism in Biomedicine, an introduction
Between february the 2nd and the 3rd, a course for Master and PhD students will be held on the University of the Basque Country, at the Campus of Leioa. The program includes: Fundamentals of Biology…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #55: Ariane Sagasti y Javier Alonso
ARIANE SAGASTI (BCMATERIALS) Two examples of functionalization of magnetoelastic resonant platforms for sensing purposes: zeolites and zinc oxide deposition processes During the last years…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #54: Cristina Echevarría and Nuria García
CRISTINA ECHEVARRÍA (BCMATERIALS) Sm-based 1:12 systems: induction of a low melting phase In the last years, the critical supply of raw rare earth (RE) elements and has motivated the search for RE-…5th BCMaterials anual workshop: New Materials for a Better Life: Smart and Functional Polymers
BCMaterials will hold its 5th anual workshop on November 18th in the Paraninfo of the Science and Technology Faculty of the Basque Country University (UPV/EHU). This year the New Materials For a…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #52: Catarina Lopes and Daniel Salazar
CATARINA LOPES (BCMATERIALS) THE CONTRIBUTION OF IONIC LIQUIDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF NANOGENERATORS The development of low weight and flexible nanogenerators are in demand for low-power portable…BCMaterials & Master in new Materials Invited Talk: Dr. Josep Fontcuberta
THE MAGNETISM OF OXIDES Dr. Josep Fontcuberta from Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona and distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Magnetics will be in the Paraninfo of the Science and…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #53: Roberto Fernández and Eduardo Fernandez
ROBERTO FERNANDEZ (BCMATERIALS) Composite AgVO3@VO hydrogels and xerogels: Intrinsic properties and applications. Hydrogels are self-entangled systems formed by non-covalent cross-linked…BCMaterials talk: Dr. Javier Alonso
Dr. Javier Alonso from BCMaterials and South Florida University will give a talk for the "New Materials Interuniversity Master" (Master Interuniversitario en nuevos Materiales) organised by the…BCMaterials invited talk: Carlos Martí-Gastaldo
Carlos Martí-Gastaldo from the Molecular Science Institute of the Valencia University will talk about "Peptide Metal-Organic Frameworks by sidechain engineering" Oligopeptides have recently emerged…BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #51: Maite Goiriena and Eugen Seif
MAITE GOIRIENA (BCMATERIALS) NANODISCS MANUFACTURING BY SELF-ASSEMBLED TEMPLATES The manufacturing based on self-assembled templates is presented as a simple, high-throughput and parallel processing…Zientzia Astea
BCMaterials will participate in the Science Week (Zientzia Astea), witch is an event organizated by the Basque Country University (UPV/EHU) in order to promote science between people of all ages.…