10 BCMaterials researchers among the 2% most influential in the world
10 BCMaterials researchers are on the ‘Ranking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientists’ a list published each year by the Stanford University in the United States. This ranking, considered the most prestigious in the world in its specialty, reflects the names of the researchers most cited internationally. It especially takes into account the impact of the scientific publications in which these scientists publish and are cited.
The presence of these 10 BCMaterials scientists on the Stanford University list reflects a significant increase compared to the previous year, which included 5 researchers.
These are the BCMaterials researchers in the the list: Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, Qi Zhang, Volodymyr Chernenko, Shahzada Ahmad, Koro de la Caba, Stefan Wuttke, Pedro Guerrero, Ahmed Shalan, Verónica Palomares and Erlantz Lizundia.
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