Augmented Reticular Chemistry
“Augmented Reticular Chemistry”.
This talk will provide a perspective on using augmented reticular structures to bridge the ‘design gap’ between molecules and macroscopic objects. Augmented reticular chemistry represents an unexplored landscape of chemical structure and material science. The implementation of this strategy across all size regimes can revolutionize the design of materials, representing a promising approach to enhancing performance far beyond what can be achieved today. To illustrate the power of augmented reticular chemistry, we will summarize our efforts to establish material chemistry guidelines to engineer smart metal-organic framework (MOF) nanoparticles able to unlock their potential for applications in the field of life sciences. We aim at describing the benefits of using MOF nanoparticles in the field of drug delivery, and putting into perspective their properties in the context of the ones of other nanoparticles. In particular, we seek to answer the following question: “Are MOF nanoparticles eligible as the next generation of drug nanocarriers?” and to highlight the specific properties of MOF nanoparticles that make them unique. In addition, special emphasis will be given to the synthesis and characterization of MOF nanoparticles, the MOF nanoparticles’ external surface functionalization and their biological assessment.Related news
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