BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #66: Jon Ostolaza, Ander Pilar & Antton Ibarbia
Synthesis of metal organic frameworks (MOFs) for the removal of heavy metals such as Arsenic and Chromium from water and as an active high temperature proton conductors in PEM Fuel Cells.
A well-known metal organic porous material (UiO66) composed of zirconium oxide metal clusters and terephthalic acid as the organic ligand was synthesized. Two different forms of this material were obtained varying the added amount of water and HCl. On the one hand, a nanosized n-UiO66 with 3nm particle size, and 1166 m2/gr surface area was synthezised. Nano-UiO66 presents both micro and mesoporous structures with 808 and 356 m2/gr BET values. In a second approach microporous m-UiO66 was synthesized in a higher yield reaction. Due to its micro and mesoporous structure, n-UiO66 was used for chromium and arsenic removal from water sources, with adsorption rates up to 99% (As(IV)) and 70% (Cr(VI)) at low concentrations. n-UiO66 was incorporated in a PVDF-HTP polymeric support to obtain an active filter for heavy metal removal. m-UiO66 was used to encapsulate ionic liquids (1-Methylimidazolium chloride, 1-Methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide and Diethylmethylammonium triflate) to enhance its proton conductive properties for its possible future applications in polymeric proton exchange fuel cells (PEMFC).ANDER PILAR
TiO2 immobilized in P(VDF-TrFE) electrospun membranes for water purification
Providing access to potable water and sanitation is a human right through various designations in international treaties and declarations. Unfortunately, accessible potable water has not yet been fully achieved, especially in rural areas of developing countries, being water-related diseases the first cause of death among children under five worldwide. In recent years, photocatalytic processes have shown a large potential as a low-cost, environmental friendly and sustainable treatment technology in the water/wastewater industry. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is one of the most interesting photocatalysts due to its remarkable photocatalytic performance, easy availability, long-term stability, and nontoxicity. However, the recuperation of TiO2 nanoparticles for reutilization/recycling is a time-consuming and expensive process which is an important limitation of the use of this catalytic material in suspension. Nanofiber membranes containing the catalyst prepared through electrospinning have been reported as a possible solution. This presentation will report on the optimization of the fabrication process by electrospinning of poly(vinylidene difluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) copolymer fibrous membranes with titanium dioxide (TiO2) inclusions. Composite membranes with suitable microporous structure and physico-chemical characteristics have been obtained to be applied for the degradation of organic compounds.ANTTON IBARBIA
Development of nanoparticle-functionalized inks for the printing of pressure and strain microsensors
Additive manufacturing technologies are gaining increasing relevance among production technologies. In particular, printing materials for sensors and related electronic devices is one of the most active areas. In this sector, a major challenge is the development of inks with adequate properties (viscosity, surface tension, electrical properties…) without using any solvent. A reasonable solution are polymer-based UV curable inks, since they are characterized by a fast curing process, they are environmentally friendly and high resolution patterns can be achieved. The objective of the internship is the development of a piezorresistive ink suitable for the printing of pressure and strain microsensors. The selection of the appropriate polymeric resin; the preparation strategies of the composites with conductive nanoparticles and the printing and characterization of functional sensors will be presented.Related news
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