BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminar #86 Paula González - Ander Reizabal
Functionalized magnetoelastic resonators for VOCs detection
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) include certain solvents that can cause numerous health problems. Currently, the development of a miniaturized system able to specifically detect low amounts of VOCs in a wireless, quickly and precise way is a demand since the current methods used for the detection of these compounds require complex instrumentation and slow treatment processes. In this way, this project is focus on the development of a magnetoelastic microresonator functionalized with metal organic frameworks (MOF) which present a preferential adsorption to a specific VOC. The detection will be based on the decrease of the magnetoelastic frequency resonance caused by the increase of the mass on the system when a specific VOC is adsorbed by the MOFs
Old silk as multifunctional material for new applications
Within natural polymers, a silk fibroin deserves special attention because of its properties, such as non-toxicity, it offers a wide range of morphologies, excellent mechanical and thermal properties and electrical properties. The variety of structural and morphological variations of silk, its functional characteristics and processability support the selection of SF as a promising material for a wide range of applications. In order to explore new applications for silk fibroin films, this work proposes silk fibroin nanocomposites for the fabrication of sensors, actuators and biological and electronic devices.
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