BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminars #31

"Organic derivatization of Krebs-type Polyoxometalates"
Beñat Artetxe
Polyoxometalates (POMs) are a well-known class of anionic metal-oxo clusters that show a wide range of properties and applications due to their large variety in terms of size, structure and composition. The organic derivatization of POMs has been identified as a key factor for these clusters to be suitably incorporated into different materials. In this work, systematic studies on the organic functionalization of the Krebs-type [{M(H2O)3}2(WO2)2(SbW9O33)2]10- POMs with aromatic N,O-chelating ligands are discussed. As a result, 10 novel hybrid POMs have been synthesized and characterized by elemental and thermal analyses, FT-IR spectroscopy and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Moreover, their solution behavior has also been studied by 1H-NMR and ESI-MS.
"Polymeric shape memory micropillars: Switchable wettability"
Nuria Garcia
Micropillars are performed by laser ablation on a crosslinked polycylooctene, a thermoactive shape memory polymer. The shape memory response and associated effect on water contact angle is analysed. Thus, deformed micropillars cause lower contact angle on the surface from reduced roughness, but the original hydrophobicity is restored by thermally induced recovery of the original surface structure.
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