BCMaterials invited talks: Professor George Hadjipanayis
Recent Developments in Rare Earth Lean/Free Magnets
George Hadjipanayis University of Delaware, USA
My talk will summarize the recent work on the following two different systems: a) Rare earth lean alloys based on Sm-Fe-M magnets and b) rare earth-free magnets based on MnBi. In both systems I will summarize recent developments including our work at UD and our collaboration with BCMATERIALS. In MnBi, I will present our newest data where we managed to develop an anisotropic bulk magnet with (BH)max of 11.5 MGOe!George Hadjipanayis Department of Physics and Astronomy Sharp Lab University of Delaware Newark, Delaware |
George Hadjipanayis received the B.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Athens (1969), and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from the University of Manitoba (Canada), in 1974 and 1979, respectively. Prof. Hadjipanayis was an assistant professor (1982-1985) and associate professor (1986-1988) in the Department of Physics at Kansas State University. In 1989 he joined the faculty of the University of Delaware as a full professor. In 1998, Prof. Hadjipanayis was a Humboldt Senior Fellow at the Max Planck institute (Stuttgart, Germany). In 1999, he assumed the position of Richard B. Murray Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy and since 2003 has been the Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Delaware. He has been recognized for seminal advances in scholarship with the Francis Alison Award (2005) and by elevation to Fellow of the American Physical Society (2001). Prof. Hadjipanayis’ areas of interest span hard magnetic materials with a focus on high performance permanent magnets and magnetic nanoparticles for storage media and biomedical applications. He has published more than 500 technical articles in peer-reviewed science and engineering journals, including book chapters, review articles, and invited technical feature articles on the topical areas of rare earth magnetism, nanotechnology, and permanent magnet materials, among others.
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