BCMaterials paper on the cover page of Materials
The paper is named “Hemoglobin modified nanostructured ZnO-based combined voltametric and magnetoelastic sensors” written by Ariane Sagasti, Jon Gutiérrez and colleagues is the cover page of the August edition of “Materials”.
" The rapid and accurate detection of low levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is of great importance as it is an indispensable intermediate product of several highly selective oxidases and an essential mediator in clinical, environmental, food and industrial analysis. In the current work, a novel biosensor was fabricated based on the sensitivity of hemoglobin (Hb) towards H2O2, by integrating two different sensing technologies on the same Hb modified ZnO/Metglas electrode, namely cyclic voltammetry and magnetoelastic resonance, whilst we try to compare them. The addition of H2O2 in PBS buffer, revealed intense electrocatalytical currents caused by the oxidation of the immobilized reduced Hb and simultaneously the magnetoelastic ribbon worked as a microbalance to detect shifts in mass loads on immobilized Hb. "
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