Computational/Experimental Symbiosis in the Design of Supramolecular Architectures: From Structure to Spinal Cord Regeneration
We are pleased to announce the invited talk given by Ivan Sasselli, Research Associate of the Biomolecular Nanotechnology & Computational Biophysics Groups at CIC biomaGUNE.
The talk title is: “Computational/Experimental Symbiosis in the Design of Supramolecular Architectures: From Structure to Spinal Cord Regeneration”
Supramolecular peptide polymers have demonstrated exceptional potential as materials for nanomedicine and biotechnology. Inspired by proteins, these biomaterials are highly tunable with interdependent structure and function that are encoded in the amino acid sequence. However, the connection between these three is not as well understood as in proteins. Thus, the design of functional materials has represented a major challenge, not being able to optimize materials performance. In this talk, we show how the symbiotic combination of computational and experimental methods has stood out as a distinctive approach to design supramolecular architectures. The computational methods are validated through experimental data, improving their inter interpretation in return to improve our understanding of the materials. This approach has allowed the optimization of materials for 3D printing and spinal cord regeneration.
The event will take place at the Martina Casiano auditorium. It can be also be followed online via Teams through this link:
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