Electrochemistry - a versatile tool for the production, detection and characterization of micro- and nanoscale magnetic materials
We are pleased to announce the invited talk given by Kristina Tschulik, from the Micro & Nano Electrochemistry, Center for Electrochemical Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum
The talk title is: “Electrochemistry - a versatile tool for the production, detection and characterization of micro- and nanoscale magnetic materials”
“Electrochemistry is a well-established technique for the electrodeposition of thin films for corrosion protection or of 3D structures for integrated circuits. It is also key to most approaches for sustainable energy conversion and storage and it is widely utilized in sensors for the detection and quantification of ions and biomolecules. In this presentation novel concepts adopting classical electrochemical methods to fabrication and characterization of magnetic materials at the micro- and nanoscale.
The fabrication of structured electrodeposits in the milli- and micrometer range by application of magnetic gradient fields will be used to demonstrate advantages of magnetic field-controlled mass transport in electrochemistry.
Electrochemistry will then be highlighted as a powerful tool for the characterization of magnetic nanoparticles beyond conventional imaging methods. Using magnetic Fe3O4 core protective Au shell nanoparticles as an example, the ease of quantitative assignment of the particle coating quality will be shown. Advancing from this, single nanoparticle electrochemistry will be used to study magnetic field effects on single nanoparticles in suspensions. Thus, otherwise inaccessible insights into magnetic field effects on particle agglomeration and corrosion dynamics are gained".
The talk will be on December 2nd at 11:00.
The event is free and open for everybody, it will take place only online via TEAMS with the following link:
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