IMoH2022 1st International Meeting on Opportunities and Challenges for HICANS

From June 20 to 22, the Campus of the University of the Basque Country in Leioa will host the 1st International Meeting on Opportunities and Challenges for HICANS (IMoH2022). The event will bring together some of the leading European experts in neutron science, who will examine the state of the art and the development potential of HICANS, compact high-intensity neutron sources.
IMoH2022 will be the first conference held in Spain devoted exclusively to HICANS. Large universities and research centres can house this revolutionary compact technology, making it easier for scientists and students to access neutrons. This will allow them to carry out previous experiments to characterize the matter that will later be developed in large facilities, such as spallation sources, nuclear reactors, etc.
Registration and abstract submission open
The reference centers on neutron sciences and technologies. BCMaterials, ESS Bilbao, CFM Donostia and Ineustar organize this international meeting, whose registration is now open through the event website:
Abstract submission is already open and can be completed through the event's website.
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