New Pre-Doctoral Researchers at BCMaterials
BCMaterials congratulates on the incorporation of Mikel Anzola and Iñigo Pérez as new Pre-Doctoral researchers. Their arrival at the center takes place within the framework of the actions foreseen in the IKUR Strategy, which is led and financed by the Department of Education of the Basque Government. This strategy aims to promote scientific research of excellence in strategic fields such as Neurosciences, Quantum Technologies, Neutrionics, Supercomputing and Artificial Intelligence.
BCMaterials, as a center belonging to the Basque network of Basic Research and Excellence Centers (BERC), will incorporate new predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers within the Ikur Strategy this year. This program is a strong boost to the very important work that BCMaterials carries out in the strategic scientific production of the future and in the training of new generations of great scientists.
[caption id="attachment_28616" align="aligncenter" width="205"] Mikel Anzola[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_28617" align="aligncenter" width="205"] Iñigo Pérez[/caption]
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