Seminar by LUIS ECHEGOYEN Robert A. Welch Professor

The seminar will be held in Sala Anexa al Paraninfo, Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV / EHU in Leioa (Bizkaia) at 11:30 h with the following title:
"Buckyball Maracas: The inside (and outside) of endohedral fullerenes story"
Luis Echegoyen is a professor of Chemistry at the University of Texas at El Paso since August, 2010 and was Awarded The Robert A. Welch Chair for Chemistry. He was the Director of the Chemistry Division at the National Science Foundation from August, 2006 Until August, 2010, where I was instrumental in Establishing new funding programs and research centers. He was a Professor of Chemistry Also at Clemson University in South Carolina, where I maintained a very active research program with Interests in fullerene electrochemistry, monolayer films, supramolecular chemistry, and spectroscopy; endohedral fullerene chemistry and electrochemistry, and carbon nanoonions, synthesis, derivatization and fractionation. (From
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