Three new visitors have begun their research stay at BCMaterials in early April: Rita Policia, Luca Andreo and Mahdi Gassara.
Rita Policia, coming from Universidade do Minho in Portugal, will work on printable electroluminescent and electrochromic materials and devices. Rita will stay in the center until 30th June.
Luca Andreo, who will develop his work at BcMaterials until September, will work on Metal Organic Frameworks with structural and ancillary metallo-ligands as heterogeneous catalysts and photosensitizers. Luca Andreo comes from Universià degli Studi di Torino (Italy).
Computational and experimental validation of perovskite materials for energy application is the matter of study of Madhi Gassara during his stay in our center. Madhi, Pre-Doctorial researcher of Faculty of Sciences of the University of Sfax, in Tunisia, will develop a four-month visit until the end of July.