BCMaterials Annual Activity Report 2023
BCMaterials has presented its 2023 Annual Activity Report. The document includes the highlights of the center's scientific activity during the past year, which continues on an upward trajectory in terms of the number and impact of publications, as well as the quantity and entity of the ongoing research projects. Last year BCMaterials had 65 ongoing projects with European, Spanish and Basque funding. Three of them were new important European projects.
Regarding training activities, the center maintained its high number of students who defended their doctoral theses (20), master's theses (16) and final degree projects (20). Besides, a good number of students joined BCMaterials to develop curricular and extracurricular internship periods.
The Annual Report closes with scientific dissemination events with a very significant increase in contributions to international conferences and symposiums, the organization of events such as the functional printing school PrintFun! and the participation in multiple outreach initiatives. In this context, it is worth highlighting that BCMaterials entered into the organization of events such as Emakumeak Zientzian or the Pint of Science Bilbao festival.
The 2023 Annual Activity Report, as well as the Annual Accounts Report, are available for consultation at the following link: https://www.bcmaterials.net/en/transparency
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