Invited talk with Till von Graberg and Richard Murray
“Publishing in Wiley’s Materials Science journals”
The publishing process is an integral part of building a career as a researcher. Recently, scientific publishing has undergone many changes and is continuing to develop rapidly. While high publishing standards, scientific integrity and speedy publication remain top priorities, many other important aspects are now also garnering greater attention. Topics such as predatory publishers, Open Science and Open Access, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are just a few of these new focus points. It is important to understand these developments to order to navigate the scientific publishing landscape and this presentation is intended to help early-career and more established scientists in this regard. After a short introduction to Wiley, we will also share some tips and tricks about getting published and promoting your work.
Speakers’ bios:
Till von Graberg received his diploma in chemistry from the University of Marburg, completing his research towards a diploma thesis jointly at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam-Golm. He obtained his PhD in Materials Science at the University of Gießen and joined Wiley in 2012. Since 2017 he is the Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Energy Materials, and in 2020 he also became the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research. Till is based in Wiley’s editorial office in the small town of Weinheim in the South of Germany.
Richard Murray obtained his BSc. (Experimental Physics) and his Ph.D. (Physical Chemistry) at the University of Galway, in Ireland. Following postdoctoral training at CIC BiomaGUNE, Spain, he moved to Berlin for a Marie Cure postdoctoral fellowship. He worked as an associate editor for Wiley’s materials science journals, including Advanced Materials, from 2017 to 2019. After spending time working in OA book publishing and project management, Richard rejoined Wiley in 2022. Currently he works as an associate editor on Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced, Advanced Optical Materials, and the recently launched fully Open Access Journal, Advanced Physics Research. Richard is based in San Sebastián.
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Date(s) - 28/09/2022
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
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