Pint of Science Festival Bilbao 2024 (May 13-15)

BCMaterials collaborates once again with the Bilbao edition of the Pint of Science science outreach festival. The center also coordinates the event, which will bring 24 talks to four bars in the city between May 13 and 15.
The goal of Pint of Science is to make the scientific and technological research carried out in their environment known to the public of all ages, in this case, the Bizkaia region. The event will bring together researchers from some of the most important academic and research centers in our territory: University of the Basque Country, University of Deusto, IIS Biobizkaia - Biocruces, Azti, Instituto Biofisika, Achucarro, BC3, BCAM, CICbioGune, Tekniker and, of course, BCMaterials.
Sergio Lucarini, Ikerbasque Research Fellow, and Aritz Villar, predoctoral researcher, will be the two BCMaterials scientists participating in this edition. Lucarini will present the talk “Inteligencia magnética: Desvelando los materiales magnetoactivos on May 13 at the Kubrick Bar. Villar will offer at Hika Ateneo, on May 15, “Fenómenos ultrarrápidos: un viaje hasta los attosegundos”
The talk program encompasses the most current topics in physics, chemistry, the environment, technology, computing, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, biotechnology...
Each participating bar hosts a specific theme. These will be the host bars for Pint of Science Bilbao 2024:
- Geuria! San Mamés. (San Mamés Stadium. Gate 14). Wonderful mind and Our body.
- Hika Ateneo. Eskola Zumarkalea, 1 (Ibeni Dock - San Antón). From atoms to stars
- Kubrick Bar. (Villarías, 2. Muelle Uribitarte) Tech me out!
- Davinci Bilbao. (Arbolantxa, 2. Church of San Vicente) Planet Earth.
Access the full program at:
Pint of Science is supported as sponsors by Achucarro-Basque Center for Neuroscience; BC3 - Basque Center for Climate Change; BCAM- Basque Center for Applied Mathematics; BCMaterials- Basque center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures and the EHU Quantum Center.
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