Guillermo Copello: Keratin Based Smart Hydrogels: Origin and functional nanocomposites
Keratin Based Smart Hydrogels: Origin and functional nanocomposites
Guillermo J. Copello1,2
1UBA, Fac. Farm y Bioqca., Depto de Qca. Analítica y Físicoquímica, CABA, Argentina
2Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco (IQUIMEFA-UBA-CONICET), CABA, Argentina.
Abstract The interest in the development of biopolymer-based materials is driven by the properties typically present in these polymers, such as biocompatibility, biodegradability and sometimes low cost, which lead to sustainability of the production process and high acceptability by producers, consumers regulatory authorities. Keratin-based hydrogels are also endowed with these properties and have been studied for a long time. Nevertheless, they are typically obtained by reduction/extraction methods which need an improvement regarding yield and environmental friendliness. With the aim to overcome these shortcomings, a greener method was developed. This method leads to a pH-responsive material that is shrunk at pH < 6 and swelled above this pH. The applicability of the keratin hydrogels was tested by obtaining nanocomposites which can be used for emerging contaminants water remediation and the obtaining antimicrobial wound dressings.
Bio Guillermo J. Copello is Adjunct Professor at the Faculty Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica of the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Researcher from the CONICET at the IQUIMEFA (Instituto de Química y Metabolismo del Fármaco). His research project embraces the blending of natural polymers and nanotechnology for the obtaining, characterization and application of sustainable materials.
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