Javier Alonso Masa, winner of one of the 2014 MMM Best Poster Awards
Javier Alonso Masa has been awarded with the 2014 MMM Best Poster Award Winner of the session: FeCo nanowires for enhanced magnetic hyperthermia. "Magnetic hyperthermia mediated by magnetic nanoparticles is one of the most promising techniques for cancer treatment. By injecting nanoparticles inside the tumor area and applying an external ac magnetic field, one can make the nanoparticles heat up, and destroy the cancer cells in a localized way. Unfortunately, the typically used iron oxide nanoparticles do not provide enough heating for an efficient cancer therapy. As an alternative, we have prepared FeCo nanowires by electrodeposition, which exhibit higher magnetic moment and coercivity than the iron oxide nanoparticles, increasing the hysteresis losses and hence the heating efficiency (SAR). Magnetic and hyperthermia measurements have revealed the important effect of dipolar interactions between the nanowires on their heating responses, and for applied fields exceeding the coercive field, the nanowires tend to align parallel to the field, thus enhancing the SAR. Maximum SAR values of ~1500 W/g have been achieved for the largest wires."
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