BCMaterials-eko hiru ikertzaile, TalentON europar ekitaldian parte hartuko duten 100 zientzialari gazteen artean
Irailaren 14tik 18ra, Leire Celaya, Amaia Zarandona eta Fangyuan Zheng BCMaterialseko ikertzaileek EU TalentON ekitaldian parte hartuko dute. Europar Batasunak antolatutako ekitaldi horrek Leidenen (…Doktoratu aurreko bost ikertzaile berri BCMaterials-en
Ongietorria eman nahi diegu gure zentroan iraileko lehen egunetan sartu diren doktoratu aurreko bost ikertzaileri. Alejandro Alba, Noelia García, Jon Napal, Ane Martín eta Josu Fernández dira. Zuen…Marina Navarro eta Hugo Salazar, doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile berriak
BCMaterials-etik ongietorria egin nahi diegu Marina Navarrori eta Hugo Salazarri, doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile berriei. Juan Pablo Esquivelekin (Ikerbasque Research Associate) batera arituko da…Igone Campos, Ikerketako teknikari laguntzaile berria
Gure zentroak ongietorria eman nahi dio Igone Camposi, BCMaterials-eko Ikerketako Laguntzaile Tekniko berriari. Campos gure zentrura heldu da laborategiko jarduera gero eta handiagoari erantzuteko.…Ivan Infante, Ikerbasque Research Professor berria BCMaterials-en
BCMaterials-ek atseginez jakinarazten du Ivan Infante doktoreak gure zentroan hasi duela bere jarduera, Ikerbasque Research Professor gisa, Material Konputazionalen Zientzien zeharkako ikerketa-…Atari berria Physica Status Solidi A aldizkarian
BCMaterials ikertziale eta laguntazileen lana, “Magnetic Properties of Tetragonal SmFe12−xMox Alloys in Bulk and Melt-Spun Ribbons” izenekoa, Physica Status Solidi A aldizkariko atari gisa hautatua…Marcos Lequerica, doktoretza aurreko ikertzaile berria
Marcos Lequerica BCMaterials-en hasi da doktoretza aurreko ikertzaile gisa. Marcos Materialen Zientzia Konputazionalaren ikerketa-lerroan arituko da, Ivan Coluzza, Ikerbasque Research Professor,…BCMaterials, Adagio programako bazkide berria
BCMaterials Adagio programari atxikitako erakunde bihurtu da. Ekimen honek doktoratu ondoko ikertzaileei bekak ematea du helburu, fabrikazio aurreratuaren arloan hiru urtez proiektu zientifikoak…IMoH kongresuak zientzia neutronikoetako nazioarteko adituak bildu zituen BCMaterials-en egoitzan
Ekainaren 20tik 22ra, Europako zientzia neutronikoetako aditu nagusietako batzuk IMoH 2022, 1st International Meeting on Challenges and Opportunities for HICANS kongresuan bildu ziren. Martina…Eder Ruiz, new administrative officer
We want to welcome our new administrative officer Eder Ruiz. We hope you enjoy and learn a lot with us during your internship.New cover on ACS Sensors magazine
A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, “Magnetoelastic Resonance Sensors: Principles, Applications, and Perspectives”, was selected as journal back cover in ACS Sensors, 2022, 7, 5, 1248–…Invited talk with Reyes Calvo
On 17th June, we will have a new Invited Talk with Dr. Reyes Calvo, from the Department of Applied Physics and the University Materials Institute of the University of Alicante. The talk’s title is…BCMaterials, new partner of the Basque Paper Cluster Association
BCMaterials has signed an agreement with the Basque Paper Cluster Association to become a member of this institution. The objective of joining the cluster is to add value to the paper sector in the…New Cover on the Journal of the American Chemical Society
A contribution from BCMaterials and colleagues, “Reticular Nanoscience: Bottom-Up Assembly Nanotechnology”, was selected as journal cover in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS),…Daniel Domenech, New Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Daniel Domenech Azorín joined BCMaterials as a new Pre-Doctoral researcher. Daniel will work on current induced magnetic domain walls in nanostructures and thin films with José María Porro,…David Payno, New Doctor of BCMaterials
We want to congratulate David Payno Zarceño, pre-doctoral reseracher of BCMaterials, for becoming new doctor on 29th April. David made an excellent defense of his thesis called "Improving…BCMaterials Annual Report 2021
BCMaterials Annual Report 2021 is already available in our website The report reflects how 2021 was an excellent year for our center in terms of…Three New Visitor Researchers at BCMaterials
Three new visitors have begun their research stay at BCMaterials in early April: Rita Policia, Luca Andreo and Mahdi Gassara. Rita Policia, coming from Universidade do Minho in Portugal, will work…