Four new predoctoral researchers at BCMaterials

Four new predoctoral researchers joined BCMaterials in the first weeks of January: Omaira Arias, Diana Sotelo, Jon Allende and Gabriel Fonseca.

Omaira Arias obtained her Degree in Chemistry from the UPV/EHU in 2022. She then completed the Master's Degree in New Materials at the aforementioned academic institution and will work at our centre in the field of neutron science.

Diana Sotelo graduated in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Los Andes (Colombia) and completed a Master's Degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering at the same university. During her time at BCMaterials, she will research in the line of Active and Smart Materials.

Jon Velasco has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the UPV/EHU and completed the Master's Degree in New Materials at the same university. At BCMaterials, he will work in the Micro and Nanodevices research line.

Gabriel Fonseca also holds a degree in Chemistry, in this case from the Instituto Federal Goiano (Brazil), where he also completed his Master's degree in Agrochemistry. Fonseca will work in the Active and Smart Materials line.

At BCMaterials we would like to give a warm welcome to these young researchers and wish them a fruitful period at our centre.

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