BCMaterials to lead an international project for the development of new tools for health diagnostics using mobile phones
BCMaterials will lead the ECLiCare project (Electrochemiluminescent bioassays for personal point of care diagnostics), one of the only two projects related with health that have received funding from the New Aquitaine-Basque Country-Navarre Euroregion, within the framework of the "Knowledge Economy 2021 ” call . Together with BCMaterials, the University of Bordeaux and the Public University of Navarre participate in this project.
This collaboration is clearly oriented to the development of new products and services based on personalized diagnostic devices for the elderly, supported by information technologies such as artificial intelligence, Big Data and communications. The project will explore the ability of smartphones as an instrumental platform for electrochemiluminescence-based (ECL) molecular diagnostic tests.
ECL consists on the generation of light triggered by an electrochemical process. Applied to detection, ECL has great advantages such as time control, high sensitivity and low background signal.
Mobile technology, artificial intelligence and Big Data
ECLiCare proposes a biosensor platform that can be powered, controlled, and read wirelessly from a smartphone. BCMaterials will develop this platform device, which will integrate the necessary elements to carry out enzyme bioassays and immunoassays with ECL detection. ECLiCare also aims to improve the reliability of these systems through the application of information technologies based on Big Data and artificial intelligence.
A highly multidisciplinary project
The project, which will be carried out in 18 months, is part of the area of devices and systems for personal diagnosis at the point of care (PoC)ECLiCare is a highly multidisciplinary project in which thematic areas such as diagnostics, electrochemistry, materials science, miniaturization and printed electronics, telecommunications, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence converge.
* Photo credit: <a href='https://www.freepik.com/photos/medical'>Medical photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com</a> Original photo edited by BCMaterials
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