Horizon Europe info-days

The European Commission announces today the first edition of the Horizon Europe info-days, to take place online from 28 June to 9 July 2021.
The 10-day event will give the opportunity to prospective applicants, and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation, to receive information and ask questions about the novelties, main funding instruments and processes of Horizon Europe.
The 9 themes will take place following the Horizon Europe info-days calendar:
- 28 Jun - Infrastructures
- 29 & 30 Jun - Digital, industry & space (cluster 4)
- 30 June - Civil security for society (cluster 3)
- 1 July - Culture, creativity & inclusive society (cluster 2)
- 1 July - The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: what is new under Horizon Europe
- 2 July - Health (cluster 1)
- 5 & 6 July - Climate, energy & mobility (cluster 5)
- 7 & 8 July - Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture & environment (cluster 6)
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