BCMaterials Fortnightly Seminars #27
"Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions- Individual Fellowships"
“Are you an experienced researcher thinking about your next career move? Individual Fellowships fund researchers looking to enhance their career development and prospects by working abroad.” That is the attractive proposal that you can find in the website of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon 2020 which aim is to support the career development and training of researchers – with a focus on innovation skills – in all scientific disciplines through international and inter-sector mobility. But, who can apply? Who is required? What is evaluated?"Novel Synthesis of fibroin based magnetic multicore nanosystems"
The development of magnetic nanocompounds with biocompatible and bioactive properties represents a promising system to achieve more specific treatments. Some studies are focused on the development of multicore systems formed by clusters of magnetic nanoparticles obtained by controlling their aggregation inside a larger substrate matrix, normally going from 50 to 200 nm. Adding to the advantages that multicore systems provides, it is interesting to find convenient materials as multicore cover. In this way, there is a great interest in protein based materials as fibroin to conform composite magnetic multicore materials. Currently, these kind of materials represent one of the principal ways to develop a controlled drug delivery and release treatment. A magnetic multicore composite nanosystem based on fibroin silk has been prepared by different ways, all based on nanoemulsion and coacervation processes. These new nanospheres have been compared with previously developed chitosan based nanospheres.Related news
Natalia Río López, BCMaterialsen doktore berria
Zorionak eman nahi dizkiogu Natalia Río López-i, BCMaterials-eko doktoratu aurreko ikertzaileari, Abenduaren 17an doktore berria bihurtu zelako. Nataliak bere tesiaren defentsa bikaina egin zuen. "…Ricardo Pereira, Juan de la Cierva doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile berria
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BCMaterialsek ongi etorria eman nahi dio Nerea Lopateguiri, praktiketan arituko dena ikerketako laguntzaile tekniko berri gisa. Gure instalazioetan gero eta laborategi-jarduera handiagoari zerbitzua…Clara Rojas, doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile berria BCMaterials-en
Pozik gaude Clara Rojas García gure zentroko doktoratu ondoko ikertzaile berri gisa heldu izana. Dra Rojasek BCMaterialsekin bat egiten du Materialen eta Azalera Funtzional Aurreratuen ikerketa-…