Summer Internships 2016 announced!

When: 8 weeks: June 6th – July 29th
Who: We are looking for motivated students in their last 2 graduation years of studies, preferable in Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biologist, Biotechnologist, Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
What: Main topics are:
Ikasiker grants will be available for exceptional students.
Note that due to insurance purposes last year students with Ikasiker grants will only be considered.
- Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys (MSMA). Bulk, single crystal and thin films materials for macro-, micro- and nano-actuators.
- Smart Polymers and composites . Shape memory polymers, Hybrid Polymer/Inorganic systems and surfaces for thin film sensors.
- Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNP) for Biomedical Applications . Chemical and Biological Synthesis of MNP and Hyperthermia studies.
- Magnetic Nanostructures . Magnetic multilayers and Nanopatterned materials.
- Advanced Materials for Energy . Materials for advanced Li and Na batteries, for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and new alloys for rare earth-free high performance permanent magnets.
- Materials for Sensors and Bio-Sensors . Ultra-sensitive Magneto-elastic, Magneto-resistance and Magneto-Impedance sensors and Hybrid agnetostrictive/piezoelectric materials.
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[contact-form-7 id="15682" title="BCMaterials Summer Internships 2016"]
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