Invited Talk with Prof. Masato Sone. September, 29
Next 29th September (Friday) BCMaterials will organize a new invited talk with Prof. Masato Sone from the Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan).
BCMaterials collaborates with the outreach festival Pint of Science Bilbao 2023
BCMaterials is one of the collaborating entities with the Pint of Science 2023 science outreach festival. On May 22, 23 and 24, the event will bring some of the hottest current scientific topics to audiences of all ages through a program of 24 talks that will be held in 4 bars of the city.
Sign up for PrintFun, BCMaterials' functional printing school, on September 25 and 26
BCMaterials will organise, on September 25 and 26 at its headquarters in Leioa (Spain), PrintFun - Autumn School on Functional Printing Materials and Technologies. This training activity offers an excellent opportunity to get started in the methods and techniques of functional printing in 2D and 3D through a complete theoretical-practical program.
BCMaterials will participate in the conference “Acelera la innovación de tu empresa con neutrónica”
On April 19, BCMaterials will participate in the K-Future conference organized by the Basque Technology Parks network, dedicated to promoting the use of neutron science in companies. Under the title “Acelera la innovación de tu empresa con neutrónica”, the conference will highlight the power of neutrons for the development of new materials, the optimization of processes and the improvement of products in a wide range of industrial and technological sectors.
The BIDEKO project consortium meets at BCMaterials to study the progress of the program
The BIDEKO project, in which BCMaterials participates as a partner of the consortium, held a follow-up meeting at the headquarters of our center on March 22 and 23 with the aim of evaluating the first steps taken and facing the second half of the work. whose results will be presented in approximately a year and a half.
BCMaterials hosts the meeting of the consortium of the MULTI-FUN European project
On March 15 and 16, BCMaterials is hosting at its headquarters in Leioa (Spain) the meeting of the consortium of the European MULTI-FUN project, in which our center is one of the partners. The event brings together 30 representatives of the different 21 entities, from 8 countries, that work on this project. The goal of the meeting is to examine the progress of the work carried out so far and to prepare the last phase of the programme.
Invited talk with Prof. Monica Lira-Cantú
On March 3 (Friday) we will have a invited talk with Monica Lira-Cantú, editor in Chief of APL Energy; and Full Professor of the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in Barcelona. The talk will take place at the Martina Casiano Auditorium and will start at 10 AM.
BCMaterials celebrates its 10th anniversary with an excellent NM4BL workshop
On November 16, BCMaterials held a very special edition of its annual workshop New Materials for a Better Life! On this occasion, the day served to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the center, for which it had an excellent panel of scientific speakers as guest speakers.
New edition of the New Materials for a Better Life! workshop to be held on November 16
On Wednesday November 16, BCMaterials will hold a new edition of its workshop New Materials for a Better Life! This symposium, which will bring together prestigious scientists, will serve to commemorate the first ten years of history of this BERC center sponsored in 2012 by the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science.
Invited talk with Magalí Lingenfelder
Next Friday, 14th October, we will have a invited talk with Magalí Lingenfelder, leader of the Max Planck-EPFL Laboratory for Molecular Nanoscience in Lausanne, Switzerland
The talk will start at 11 AM at Martina Casiano Auditorium (Leioa)
Making Bioinspired Materials Atom by Atom